本文介绍了Three.js颗粒装入出奇的慢?什么是导致FPS缓慢和庞大的切? (从60 + FPS 1-2 FPS)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我无法弄清楚什么是放慢我的可视化。理想情况下,我想60 fps的。不是1 fps或2 fps的。

I can't figure out what's slowing down my visualization. Ideally, I would like 60 fps. Not 1 fps or 2 fps.


Here are the repositories. For the first one, inside LeapVis1.2, if you open index.html with Firefox after you download the folder the vis should load.Non-Particles


For the repository that uses particles, open canvas_particles_random.html in Firefox.Particles (Even slower)


首先,这是延续了这个<一href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15371176/using-david-piegzas-3d-force-directed-graph-for-large-data-visualization-is-to/15386837?noredirect=1#comment22427449_15386837">question.其缓慢的原因是因为你使用的是CanvasRenderer代替WebGLRenderer。我想你误解了我。在three.js有两个对象:粒子 - 帆布和粒子系统 - 对WebGL的。我从来没有彪用帆布,因为它是非常缓慢与WebGL的比较。

First of all this is continuation of this question. The reason of its slowness is because your are using CanvasRenderer instead of WebGLRenderer. I guess you've misunderstood me. In three.js there are two objects: Particle - for canvas and ParticleSystem - for webgl. I've never ment to use canvas, because it is very slow in comparison with webgl.

这篇关于Three.js颗粒装入出奇的慢?什么是导致FPS缓慢和庞大的切? (从60 + FPS 1-2 FPS)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 15:59