


   charsetEncode(javacast(byte [],[0]),utf -8) 


  Valor = nullPad(TESTE,8); 
Key =$ 224455 @;
result = Encrypt(Valor,ToBase64(Key),DES / ECB / NoPadding,BASE64);
//结果:TzwRx5Bxoa0 =
WriteDump(Encrypted Text =& Result);


  / * 

@param plainText - string to pad
@param blockSize - pad字符串,所以它是这个大小的倍数
@param encoding - 文本的字符集编码
* /
字符串函数nullPad(string plainText,numeric blockSize,string encoding =UTF-8)
local.newText = arguments.plainText;
local.bytes = charsetDecode(arguments.plainText,arguments.encoding);
local.remain = arrayLen(local.bytes)%arguments.blockSize;

if(local.remain neq 0)
local.padSize = arguments.blockSize - local.remain;
local.newText& = repeatString(urlDecode(%00),local.padSize);

return local.newText;

I have a problem reproducing the same result generated in PHP vs Coldfusion.

In PHP encrypting this way:

    $key = "$224455@";
    $Valor = "TESTE";

    $base = chop(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $Valor, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB)));

I have the result:

In Coldfusion did so:

<cfset Valor = "TESTE">
<cfset Key = "$224455@">
<cfset base = Encrypt(Valor,ToBase64(Key),"DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding","BASE64")>


What isn't ColdFusion yielding the same value as PHP?

Thank you very much


(Too long for comments)

Artjom B. already provided the answer above. Artjom B. wrote

Unfortunately, it is difficult to produce a null character in CF. AFAIK, the only technique that works is to use URLDecode("%00"). If you cannot modify the PHP code as @Artjom B. suggested, you could try using the function below to pad the text in CF. Disclaimer: It is only lightly tested (CF10), but seemed to produce the same result as above.

Update:Since the CF encrypt() function always interprets the plain text input as a UTF-8 string, you can also use charsetEncode(bytes, "utf-8") to create a null character from a single element byte array, ie charsetEncode( javacast("byte[]", [0] ), "utf-8")


Valor = nullPad("TESTE", 8);
Key = "$224455@";
result = Encrypt(Valor, ToBase64(Key), "DES/ECB/NoPadding", "BASE64");
// Result: TzwRx5Bxoa0=
WriteDump( "Encrypted Text = "& Result );


   Pads a string, with null bytes, to a multiple of the given block size

   @param plainText - string to pad
   @param blockSize - pad string so it is a multiple of this size
   @param encoding - charset encoding of text
string function nullPad( string plainText, numeric blockSize, string encoding="UTF-8")
    local.newText = arguments.plainText;
    local.bytes = charsetDecode(arguments.plainText, arguments.encoding);
    local.remain = arrayLen( local.bytes ) % arguments.blockSize;

    if (local.remain neq 0)
        local.padSize = arguments.blockSize - local.remain;
        local.newText &= repeatString( urlDecode("%00"), local.padSize );

    return local.newText;


08-05 15:28