





I need to encrypt a string in PHP using AES encryption (including a random iv), Base64 encode it, then URL-encode it so that it can be passed as a URL parameter.


I am trying to get the same result in both PHP and Ruby, but I can't make it work.


function encryptData($data,$iv){
    $cipher = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, '');
    $iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($cipher);
    if (mcrypt_generic_init($cipher, 'g6zys8dlvvut6b1omxc5w15gnfad3jhb', $iv) != -1){
        $cipherText = mcrypt_generic($cipher,$data );
        return $cipherText;
    else {
        return false;
$data = 'Mary had a little lamb';
$iv = '96b88a5f0b9efb43';
$crypted_base64 = base64_encode(encryptData($data, $iv));


Here is my Ruby code:

module AESCrypt
  def AESCrypt.encrypt(data, key, iv)
    aes = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new("aes-256-cbc")
    aes.key = key
    aes.iv = iv
    aes.update(data) + aes.final

plaintext = "Mary had a little lamb"
iv = "96b88a5f0b9efb43"
@crypted = AESCrypt::encrypt(plaintext, "g6zys8dlvvut6b1omxc5w15gnfad3jhb", iv)
@crypted_base64 = Base64.encode64(@crypted)
@crypted_base64_url = CGI.escape(@crypted_base64)


The infuriating thing is that both code samples produce similar but not identical hashes. For example, the above code generates (base64 encoded, not URL encoded):

PHP: /aRCGgLBMOOAarjjtfTW2Qg2OtbPDLhx3KmgfgMzDJU=

PHP: /aRCGgLBMOOAarjjtfTW2Qg2OtbPDLhx3KmgfgMzDJU=

Ruby: /aRCGgLBMOOAarjjtfTW2XIZhZ9VjBx8PdozxSL8IE0=

Ruby: /aRCGgLBMOOAarjjtfTW2XIZhZ9VjBx8PdozxSL8IE0=


Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong here? Also, it is easier for me (since I am a Ruby guy, not PHP usually) to fix the Ruby code rather than the PHP code. So if you wanted to provide a solution in Ruby that would pair well with PHP, I would be most appreciative.


Oh, and also, in production the iv really will be random, but for this example I set it to be permanently the same so that output could be compared.

多亏Eugen Rieck的回答,我才找到了解决方案. Ruby填补了这些障碍,而PHP则没有,您必须手动进行.将PHP代码更改为以下代码,您将获得上述Ruby代码可以轻松解密的加密字符串:

Thanks to Eugen Rieck's answer, I arrived at a solution. Ruby pads the blocks, but PHP does not, and you have to do it manually. Change the PHP code to the following, and you get encrypted strings that the above Ruby code can decipher easily:

$iv = '96b88a5f0b9efb43';
$data = 'Mary had a little lamb';

function encryptData($data,$iv){
    $key = 'g6zys8dlvvut6b1omxc5w15gnfad3jhb';
    $padded_data = pkcs5_pad($data);
    $cryptogram = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $padded_data, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
    return $cryptogram;

function pkcs5_pad ($text, $blocksize){
    $pad = $blocksize - (strlen($text) % $blocksize);
    return $text . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);



Turns out, this is quite easy: The padding is the culprit.

AES是一种块密码,因此它适用于固定大小的块.这意味着,最后的代码段将一直被填充,并且,关于标准的好处是,有很多可供选择. PHP使用零填充,您必须查看AESCrypt才能找到Ruby的用途.

AES is a block cipher, so it works on fixed-size blocks. This means, that the last block will allways be padded, and , you know, the good thing about standards is, that there are so many to chose from. PHP uses zero padding, you will have to look into AESCrypt to find out what Ruby uses.

各种JS AES库和PHP都存在相同的问题.我们最终还是做了自己的填充,因为这使我有些时候陷入了血红色的愤怒之中.

The same problem exists with the various JS AES libraries and PHP. We ended up in allways doing our own padding, as this has driven me into blood-red fury quite some times.


Ofcourse this explains, why the first part (carrying the info) is identical, while the second part (carrying the padding) is different.


08-05 15:26