

我目前正在用OpenSSL替换Mcrypt,因为Mcrypt将在PHP 7.1中弃用.我需要的是一种按算法获取块大小的方法,例如 .

I am currently in the process of replacing Mcrypt with OpenSSL since Mcrypt will be deprecated in PHP 7.1. I need is a way to get the blocksize per algorithm like mcrypt_get_block_size().


I am wondering if there is an equivalent function to mcrypt_get_block_size() but it's pretty badly documented can't seem to find it.


php-openssl 没有提供密码块大小的API.如果您真的需要它,则必须对blockSize进行硬编码(根据算法).

php-openssl unfortunately doesn't have an API that would give you the cipher blockSize. If you really need it, you'd have to hard-code the blockSize (per algorithm).


However, typical applications would only need to support a single encryption algorithm, and in that case you should already know what the block size is for your case.

而且,我对mcrypt_get_block_size()mcrypt_enc_get_block_size()的唯一用例是PKCS#7填充,OpenSSL 默认情况下已经针对分组密码算法进行了操作.因此,有可能您根本不需要此.

And also, the only use cases I've had for mcrypt_get_block_size(), mcrypt_enc_get_block_size() is PKCS#7 padding, which OpenSSL already does by default for block cipher algorithms. So it may be the case that you don't need this at all.


08-05 15:25