本文介绍了CakePHP 3:包含具有COUNT()的深度关联模型的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have the following related table objects:

SettingsTable 属于 SettingsHeadersTable

SettingsHeadersTable 有很多 SettingsTable

SettingsOptionsTable 属于 SettingsTable

SettingsTable 有很多 SettingsOptionsTable


  • 有一个标题为常规站点设置"的标题.
  • 该标题下有一个名为离线状态"的设置.
  • 在该设置下,在线",离线"有3个选项(受限制)"上的离线(不受限制)"
  • There is a header titled "General Site Settings".
  • There is a setting under that header titled "Offline Status".
  • There are 3 options under that setting for "Online", "Offline(restricted)" on "Offline (unrestricted)"


I have a controller that I would like to find all of the headers, contain all of the settings under those headers and further contain all of the options under those settings. Then in my view I can loop through each setting, divided into sections by header, and display the corresponding options for each setting for the admin to update.


Below, my original query shows exactly what is describe above, however, it is showing headers even if they have 0 visible settings. I want to hide the headers that have 0 visible settings.

    $settings_headers = $this->Settings->SettingsHeaders->find()
        'SettingsHeaders.number' => 'ASC'
        'SettingsHeaders.module_id' => 1
        'Settings' => function ($q) {
           return $q
                ->order(['Settings.number' => 'ASC'])
                    'Settings.hide' => 0
                    'SettingsOptions' => function ($q) {
                       return $q
                             ->order(['SettingsOptions.number' => 'ASC']);



I made some tweaks and got to the headers with only visible settings to show along with their corresponding settings, but the options are not showing. I'm still very confused on contain vs matching. I'm not sure if the code I've written is redundant, I've been trying to follow example I've seen online.

    $settings_headers = $this->Settings->SettingsHeaders->find()
        'SettingsHeaders.number' => 'ASC'
        'SettingsHeaders.module_id' => 1
        'settings_count' => 'COUNT(Settings.id)',
        'Settings' => function ($q) {
           return $q
                ->order(['Settings.number' => 'ASC'])
                    'Settings.hide' => 0 // ONLY SHOW VISIBLE SETTINGS
                    'SettingsOptions' => function ($q) {
                       return $q
                             ->order(['SettingsOptions.number' => 'ASC']);
    ->matching('Settings', function($q) {
        return $q->where([
            'Settings.hide' => 0 // ONLY COUNT THE VISIBLE SETTINGS


I'm not quite sure how to put it all together (only showing the headers with visible options, and also containing all of the data in both Settings and SettingsOptions)



Actually, I just figured this out. I had to remove the following line from my second example:


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08-05 15:00