




I'm building an app with CakePHP as my backend and AngularJS as my front-end framework.


I need to have CakePHP on the same server as my front-end code so it can serve the JSON I need.

通常在CakePHP中,一个人的根目录文件夹,除了JS / CSS /少/ *,有一个挂钩,CakePHP的一个index.php文件。添加AngularJS,虽然增加了一些复杂性,因为我也想要一个index.html。

Typically in CakePHP, one has the webroot folder, and besides the js/css/less/*, there is an index.php that hooks to CakePHP. Adding AngularJS, though, adds some complexity because I also want an index.html.


  • 如果用户进入,显示的index.html(但路由处于* .COM /'!)
  • 如果用户进入,显示index.html,然后让角照顾散路线
  • 如果用户进入假设一下,被CakePHP的服务页面,HTML和所有),将其发送到index.php文件。
  • 如果我做一个AJAX调用,使用的index.php这样的CakePHP可以服务于JSON。


So my thought was I could have .htaccess rules take care of this. But I'm not quite sure what to write.


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d #if it's not an existing directory
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f #if it's not an existing file
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [QSA,L] #everything else, send to CakePHP


这将是简单,只要最后一个条件,比如重写规则/ index.html的[L]

Would it be as simple as adding a line after the last condition like RewriteRule / index.html [L]?


Also, please feel free to suggest alternative setups with CakePHP and AngularJS.



我用 NG-样板,它使用人缘用于测试和咕噜的串联,丑法,并index.html中包括脚本。

I'm using ng-boilerplate which uses karma for testing and grunt for concatenation, uglifying, and including scripts in index.html.


I think the build system is truly beautiful since it allows me to keep a modular structure.

下面是一个典型的 NG-样板前端的目录结构:

Here is the directory structure for a typical ng-boilerplate front-end:

  |- build/                    # Development build
  |  | index.html
  |  | assets/
  |  |
  |  |- angular/
  |- grunt-tasks/
  |- karma/
  |- src/                      # Actual source code I'm editing
  |  |- app/
  |  |  |- <app logic>
  |  |- assets/
  |  |  |- <static files>
  |  |- common/
  |  |  |- <reusable code>
  |  |- less/
  |  |  |- main.less
  |- vendor/
  |  |- angular-bootstrap/
  |  |- bootstrap/
  |  |- placeholders/
  |- build.config.js           # Build configuration specific to app
  |- Gruntfile.js
  |- module.prefix
  |- module.suffix
  |- package.json

(在这些目录和文件夹,在这里的更多信息: NG-样板

这使得一个困难的工作流程,因为我不得不采取最新的版本(发展中)和手动将index.html文件的 home.ctp 每次我编辑的index.html。

This makes for a difficult workflow, since I have to take the most recent 'build' (during development) and place the index.html file manually in home.ctp every time I edit index.html.


This is why my mind first went to .htaccess. Though, I understand that this idea has its own limitations if I ever do want to serve a page from CakePHP directly rather than bringing AngularJS into the picture.

也许我可以配置构建系统放置的index.html在CakePHP的 home.ctp 视图。此解决方案的任何想法?

Maybe I could configure the build system to place the index.html in the CakePHP's home.ctp view. Any ideas on this solution?


一个蛋糕的主要原则是 KISS (保持简单(愚蠢))。

Keep it simple

One of Cake's main principles is KISS ("Keep it Simple (Stupid)").

您不需要任何重写规则变化,如果该URL的响应 / 是您的index.html文件的

You don't need any rewrite rule changes if the response for the url / is that of your index.html file


cd app
mv webroot/index.html View/Pages/home.ctp
<edit View/Pages/home.ctp>


If you put the following at the top of the view file:

<?php $this->layout = false; ?>


You can also leave the contents as the complete raw html file.

这样做将不再需要任何的.htaccess 修改

Doing this would remove the need for any .htaccess modifications.


A specific note about one of the bullet points:


没有什么需要做的事情,作为一个URL片段是由浏览器与请求不发送 - 接收服务器上的URL是 /

Nothing needs doing for that, as a url fragment is not sent by browsers with requests - the url received on the server is

那么这就是所需的全部就是添加一条规则的网址 / - 这是唯一的例外:

Then all that's required is to add a rule for the url / - which is the only exception:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteRule  ^$ /index.html [L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

请务必使用的.htaccess 规则蛋糕你使用,因为他们改变了多年来并可以使用的旧版本会导致异常行为的确切版本重写规则蛋糕的新版本。

Be sure to use the .htaccess rules for the exact version of cake you're using as they changed over the years and can cause odd behavior using an older version of the rewrite rule with a newer version of Cake.

注意,不需要目录排除条件,并很可能不希望(它允许目录中列出,例如 / CSS )。

Note that the directory-exclusion condition isn't required and is probably not desired (it allows a directory listing with e.g. /css).


08-05 14:49