




I'm trying to get authentication working to my liking in a CakePHP app and running into a snag.

我想让用户从主页或专用登录页面登录。我使用Auth组件来管理登录,现在登录本身工作。我将主页上的表单提交到/ Users / Login,它会将它们登录并创建会话。问题是它然后重定向用户回到主页。我宁愿他们重定向到loginRedirect中指定的位置。

I want to let the user login from either the home page or from a dedicated login page. I'm using the Auth component to manage login and right now the login itself works. I am submitting the form on the home page to /Users/Login and it does log them in and create session. The problem is it then redirects the user back to the home page. I'd rather they redirect to the location specified in loginRedirect.

如果我直接从/ users / login登录,它会转发到loginRedirect。我认为这个问题与将表单从一个页面发布到另一个页面而不是自己,auth自动认为你想回到上一页。

If i login from /users/login directly it does forward to loginRedirect. I think the problem has something to do with posting the form from one page to another page instead of to itself, auth automatically thinks you want to go back to the previous page.


Any thoughts?


in the AppController

public function beforeFilter( )
    $this->Auth->autoRedirect	=	false;


in UsersController

public function login( )
    if( $this->Auth->user( ) )
    	$this->redirect( array(
    		'controller'	=>	'users'	,
    		'action'	=>	'index'	,


Also, if you haven't already you should move the form into an element, so that you can make absolutely certain that the login form is identical between the 2 login views.


08-05 14:43