




  class Interesttype extends AppModel 
public $ primaryKey ='int_id';
public $ displayField ='int_name';
public $ hasMany = array(
'Loan'=> array(

public $ validate = array(
'int_name'=> array(
'allowEmpty'=> false,
'int_active'=> array(
'rule'=& ),
'allowEmpty'=> false,
'int_max'=> array(
'numeric'=> array(
'allowEmpty'=> false,
'message'=> '请指定有效的最高利率。'
'comparison'=> array(
'rule'=> array('comparison','>',1000 ),
'allowEmpty'=> false,
'message'=> '最大利率不能小于特殊利率'
'checklimits'=> array(
'rule'=> array('checkRateLimits','int_min '
'allowEmpty'=> false,

'int_min'=> array(
'numeric'=> array(
'allowEmpty'=> false,
'message'=> '请指定有效的最低利率。'
'comparison'=> array(
'rule'=> array('comparison','>',1000 ),
'allowEmpty'=> false,
function checkRateLimits($ maxr,$ minr){
if($ maxr> = $ minr){
return true;
else {
return false;



您必须添加,以使其成为可能。以下是一个非常通用的示例,它使用并支持所有运算符(> < / code>,> = < = == != isgreater code>, moreorequal lessorequal notequal )作为选项数组中的第二个参数,以及用于将验证的值与作为第三个参数进行比较的字段名称。

  class MyModel extends AppModel 

/ *自定义验证函数的示例用法* /
public $ validate = array
'myfield'=> array(
'lessThanMyOtherField'=> array(
'rule'=> array('comparisonWithField','<','myotherfield'

/ *自定义验证函数* /
public function comparisonWithField($ validationFields = array(),$ operator = null,$ compareFieldName =''){
if ($ this-> data [$ this-> name] [$ compareFieldName])){
throw new CakeException(sprintf(__('Can\'t比较不存在的字段%s of model%s。'),$ compareFieldName,$ this-> name));
$ compareTo = $ this-> data [$ this-> name] [$ compareFieldName];
foreach($ validationFields as $ key => $ value){
if(!Validation :: compare($ value,$ operator,$ compareTo)){
return false;
return true;


如果你想在你的应用程序的多个模型中使用它,在 AppModel 中抛出该函数。您也可以将其设为,以便在不同型号之间共享。 / p>

I have a model Interesttype where i want two fields to be validated one should not be more than the other and none should be less than a particular set value. Here is my model.

    class Interesttype extends AppModel
      public $primaryKey = 'int_id';
      public $displayField = 'int_name';
      public $hasMany= array(
            'Loan' => array(
                'className' => 'Loan',
                'foreignKey' => 'lon_int_id'
      public $validate = array(
            'int_name'=> array(
                    'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                    'allowEmpty' => false,
                    'message' => 'The interest type name is required.'
                     'message'=>'Please select the status of this interest type'
           'int_max'=> array(
                        'rule' => 'numeric',
                        'allowEmpty' => false,
                        'message' => 'Please specify a valid maximum interest rate.'
                        'rule' => array('comparison','>',1000),
                        'allowEmpty' => false,
                        'message' => 'The Maximum interest rate cannot be less than the special rate.'
                        'rule' => array('checkRateLimits','int_min'),
                        'allowEmpty' => false,
                        'message' => 'The Maximum interest rate cannot be less than the minimum rate.'
        'int_min'=> array(
                        'rule' => 'numeric',
                        'allowEmpty' => false,
                        'message' => 'Please specify a valid minimum interest rate.'
                        'rule' => array('comparison','>',1000),
                        'allowEmpty' => false,
                        'message' => 'The Minimum interest rate cannot be less than the special rate.'
   function checkRateLimits($maxr,$minr){
               return true;
               return false;

the above model validates my forms well except that one check will not be done, it will not check if the maximum interest rate is indeed more than or equal to the minimum inerest rate.Where am i going wrong on the validation?


You'll have to add your own Validation Method to make this possible. Here's a pretty generic example that makes use of Validation::comparison() and supports all of its operators (>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, isgreater, isless, greaterorequal, lessorequal, equalto, notequal) as the second argument in the options array and a field name to compare the validated value to as a third parameter.

class MyModel extends AppModel

    /* Example usage of custom validation function */
    public $validate = array(
        'myfield' => array(
            'lessThanMyOtherField' => array(
                'rule' => array('comparisonWithField', '<', 'myotherfield'),
                'message' => 'Myfield value has to be lower then Myotherfield value.',

    /* Custom validation function */
    public function comparisonWithField($validationFields = array(), $operator = null, $compareFieldName = '') {
        if (!isset($this->data[$this->name][$compareFieldName])) {
            throw new CakeException(sprintf(__('Can\'t compare to the non-existing field "%s" of model %s.'), $compareFieldName, $this->name));
        $compareTo = $this->data[$this->name][$compareFieldName];
        foreach ($validationFields as $key => $value) {
            if (!Validation::comparison($value, $operator, $compareTo)) {
                return false;
        return true;


This is generic, so you could throw the function in your AppModel if you want to make use of it in multiple models in your App. You could also make this a Behavior to share it between different models.


08-05 14:40