

我正在使用PowerShell来比较其中包含&符号的两个字符串(即字符串"Policies& Procedures").

I am using PowerShell to compare two strings that have an ampersand (&) in them (i.e. the string "Policies & Procedures").


No matter what I try, I cannot get these strings to match. I have tried trimmed the strings to get rid of an extra white spaces. I have tried wrapping the the string in both single and double quotes (and a combination of both):

"Policies & Procedures"
'Policies & Procedures'
"'Policies & Procedures'"


The code I am using to compare the strings is:

if ($term1 -eq $term2) {
  do something


Inspecting the strings visually - they are identical, however the if statement never evaluates to true. Is there a way to compare these two strings so that it does evaluate to true?



The context in which I am doing this string compare is looking for a term name in a taxonomy for a SharePoint site. Here is the code I am using:

function getTerm($termName) {

  foreach($term in $global:termset.Terms) {
    $termTrimmed = $term.Name.trim()
    Write-Host "term name = $termTrimmed" -foregroundcolor cyan
    if ($termTrimmed -eq $termName) {
      return $term
  return null


I have printed both term.Name and termName to the screen and they are identical. If there is no ampersand in the string, this function works. If there is an ampersand this function fails. This is how I know the ampersand is the problem.




  • & ASCII码: 38
  • & ASCII Number: 38


  • & ASCII码: 65286
  • ASCII Number: 65286

阅读 Nick Hobbs ="=" nofollow noreferrer>这篇文章当您创建一个术语时,它会将 38 和号替换为 65286 和号.

After reading this article by Nick Hobbs, it became apparent that when you create a term it replaces the 38 ampersand with a 65286 ampersand.


This then becomes a problem if you want to do a comparison with your original source (spreadsheet, database, etc) as they are no longer the same.

如尼克的文章所述,您可以使用 TaxonomyItem.NormalizeName 方法来创建"Taxonomy"版本的您要比较的字符串:

As detailed in Nick’s article, you can use the TaxonomyItem.NormalizeName method to create a "Taxonomy" version of your string for comparison:


Try this (not tested on real SharePoint):

function getTerm($termName)
  foreach($term in $global:termset.Terms) {
    $termNormalized = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyItem]::NormalizeName($term.Name)
    if ($termNormalized -eq $termName) {
      return $term
  return null


08-23 18:07