

本文介绍了Wampserver cakephp 1.3严格的标准错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


目前,我正在对新的Wampserver疯狂。我切换到一台新电脑并安装了Wamp,并将我的cakephp 1.3文件夹移动到 c code >正确 php.ini 文件。我尝试过有关 E_ALL& 〜E_DEPRECATED& 〜E_STRICT
  • 更改 php.ini 文件时,我已经完成了从重新启动我的窗口到重新启动Wampserver

  • 有谁知道我失踪了吗?通过20个指导和答案谁能解决问题,但不是。令人沮丧的。

    错误仍然存​​在,而网站的其余部分按照预期工作。 / p>



    升级到最新的1.3稳定发布(1.3.15),它已经设置 error_reporting(E_ALL&〜E_DEPRECATED&〜E_STRICT); 内部。

    编辑:只是为了进一步澄清,你必须使用一个较旧的1.3版本,它在核心中设置 error_reporting(E_ALL&〜E_DEPRECATED); ,从而覆盖报告级别你设置你的php.ini

    I'm currently growing crazy over my new Wampserver at the moment. I switched to a new computer and installed Wamp and moved my cakephp 1.3 folder to the C:\wamp\www folder, and all I get is this error:

    Here's some facts I'm aware of and stuff I'm already tried:

    • This is an existing project, and I can't just go to CakePHP 2 since it may break the code
    • I have edited the error_reporting in the correct php.ini file. I've tried everything regarding E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
    • When changing the php.ini file, I have done everything from restart my windows to restarting the Wampserver

    Does anyone know what I'm missing? It's frustrating to go through 20 guides and answers whom should solve the problem but doesn't.

    The errors still exists, and the rest of the site works as intended.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!


    Upgrade to the latest 1.3 stable release (1.3.15), it already sets error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT); internally.

    Edit: Just to clarify further you must be using an older 1.3 release which sets error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED); in the core thereby overriding the reporting level you set in your php.ini

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    08-05 14:24