

我一直在尝试添加朋友系统,该用户可以在其中添加和删除朋友(其他用户),在完成代码后,我发现一个错误,当登录的用户尝试从其他用户的个人资料中添加朋友时, 添加好友按钮重定向到已登录的用户个人资料,因此无法添加新好友,它只能将自己添加为好友。我个人认为该错误是在views.py个人资料视图上。

I have been trying to add friend system in which the user can add and remove friends (other users), after finishing with the code, I found an error that when the logedin user tries to add a friend from other user's profile, the add friend button redirects to the logedin user profile making it imposible to add a new friend, it can just add himself as a friend. I personally think the error is on the views.py profile view.


views.py (profile shows user's profile and change_friend is the one that adds and removes frinds)

    def profile(request, username=None):
        friend = Friend.objects.filter(current_user=request.user).first()
        friends = []
        if friend:
          friends = friend.users.all()
        if username:
          post_owner = get_object_or_404(User, username=username)
          post_owner = request.user
        args1 = {
            'post_owner': post_owner,
            'user_posts': user_posts,
            'friends': friends,
        return render(request, 'profile.html', args1)

    def change_friends(request, operation, pk):
        friend = User.objects.get(pk=pk)
        if operation == 'add':
          Friend.make_friend(request.user, friend)
        elif operation == 'remove':
          Friend.lose_friend(request.user, friend)
        return redirect('profile')



    class Friend(models.Model):
        users = models.ManyToManyField(User, default='users', blank=True, related_name='users')
        current_user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='owner', on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)

        def make_friend(cls, current_user, new_friend):
            friend, created = cls.objects.get_or_create(

        def lose_friend(cls, current_user, new_friend):
            friend, created = cls.objects.get_or_create(



    <div class="media">
      <div class="media-body">
        <h2 class="account-heading">{{ post_owner.username }}</h2>
        <p class="text-secondary">{{ post_owner.email }}</p>
        {% if not user in friends %}
          <a href="{% url 'change_friends' operation='add' pk=user.pk %}">
            <button type="button">add Friend</button>
        {% endif %}
      {% for friend in friends %}
        <p>{{ friend.username }}</p>
        <a href="{% url 'change_friends' operation='remove' pk=friend.pk %}">
          <button type="button">Remove Friend</button>
      {% endfor %}


    urlpatterns = [
        path('profile/<str:username>/', views.profile, name='profile_pk'),
        url(r'^connect/(?P<operation>.+)/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.change_friends, name='change_friends'),


问题是您正在传递 request.user 对象通过 user 对象进入 change_friends 视图。在模板中使用时,默认情况下 user == request.user

The problem is that you're passing the request.user object to the change_friends view, through the user object. By default user == request.user when used in a template.


Just change that line that you have in profile.html with:

<a href="{% url 'change_friends' operation='add' pk=post_owner.pk %}">
    <button type="button">add Friend</button>

现在,我注意到您正在将用户重定向到配置文件视图,一旦他们添加了新朋友,那不是您想要的。发生这种情况是因为,当您在 change_friends 视图中调用 redirect()函数时,没有传递任何参数转到个人资料视图。您定义的用户名默认应为,然后说如果不是用户名,则 post_owner 应该是 request.user

Now, I note that you're redirecting the user to the profile view once they add a new friend, and that's not what you want. That's happening because when you're calling the redirect() function in your change_friends view, you are not passing any parameter to the profile view. You defined the username should be None by default and then you're saying that if not username then post_owner should be request.user

如何更改此设置?好吧,在调用 redirect 作为关键字参数时,只需传递所需的用户名即可。如下所示:

How to change this? Well, just pass the desired username when calling redirect as a keyword argument. Something as follows:

return redirect('profile', username=friend.username)


08-05 14:22