


Facebook added a twitter-like "Subscribe" button in the last several days that allows people to see your public updates w/o them being your friend.

  1. 如果用户成为订阅者而不是朋友...我认为他们不在朋友表中。如果是,那么他们在哪个表格中?

  1. If a user becomes a subscriber and NOT a friend...I assume they are NOT in the friends table. If so, what table are they in?

对于订阅者来说,什么是适当的Graph API调用?

What is the proper Graph API call for subscribers?



To get a list of a user's subscribers use this graph api call:


(Replace "adamfairbanks" with the user's user_id or username. For yourself you can also use "me".)

需要访问令牌。要使用访问令牌进行呼叫,可以使用Graph API Explorer:

This call requires an access token. To make the call with an access token, you can use the Graph API Explorer:

如果您以前从未使用过Graph API Explorer,则可能需要

If you've never used the Graph API Explorer before, you may need to

  1. 点击[获取访问令牌]

  2. 在权限对话框上单击[获取访问令牌](无需检查权限)

  3. 单击[登录] Graph API资源管理器

  4. 点击[提交],使用访问令牌重新提交图形API调用

  1. click [Get Access Token]
  2. click [Get Access Token] on the permissions dialog (no permissions need to be checked)
  3. click [Login] to the Graph API Explorer
  4. click [Submit] to resubmit the graph API call now with the access token


Change adamfairbanks to any facebook username or user_id that has enabled subscribers


08-05 14:22