本文介绍了杰森(Json)在Play 2.1.1中写作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我最近开始使用Playframework,并且正在使用Play 2.1.1和Slick 1.0.0来实现一个站点.我现在想把头放在Json Writes上,因为我想在我的一个控制器中返回Json.

I started using the Playframework recently and am implementing a site using Play 2.1.1 and Slick 1.0.0. I'm now trying to wrap my head around Json Writes as I want to return Json in one of my controllers.


I've been looking at several references on the subject (like this one and this one but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.


I have a model looking like this:

case class AreaZipcode(  id: Int,
                     zipcode: String,
                     area: String,
                     city: String

object AreaZipcodes extends Table[AreaZipcode]("wijk_postcode") {

    implicit val areaZipcodeFormat = Json.format[AreaZipcode]

    def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
    def zipcode = column[String]("postcode", O.NotNull)
    def area = column[String]("wijk", O.NotNull)
    def city = column[String]("plaats", O.NotNull)

    def autoInc = * returning id

    def * = id ~ zipcode ~ area ~ city <> (AreaZipcode.apply _, AreaZipcode.unapply _)


You can see the implicit val which I'm trying to use, but when I try to return the Json in my controller by doing this:

Ok(Json.toJson(areas.map(a => Json.toJson(a))))


I'm somehow still confronted with this errormessage:

No Json deserializer found for type models.AreaZipcode. Try to implement an implicit     Writes or Format for this type.


I've tried several other ways to implement the Writes. For instance, I've tried the following instead of the implicit val from above:

implicit object areaZipcodeFormat extends Format[AreaZipcode] {

    def writes(a: AreaZipcode): JsValue = {
        "id" -> JsObject(a.id),
        "zipcode" -> JsString(a.zipcode),
        "area" -> JsString(a.area),
        "city" -> JsString(a.city)
    def reads(json: JsValue): AreaZipcode = AreaZipcode(
      (json \ "id").as[Int],
      (json \ "zipcode").as[String],
      (json \ "area").as[String],
      (json \ "city").as[String]



Can someone please point me in the right direction?



import play.api.libs.json._
implicit val areaZipcodeFormat = Json.format[AreaZipcode]

就是这样.得益于Scala 2.10宏的神奇之处,不再需要编写自己的ReadsWrites了. (我建议您在使用JSON 上阅读Play的文档,它解释了很多)

That's it. No need to write your own Reads and Writes anymore, thanks to the magic of Scala 2.10 macros. (I recommend that you read Play's documentation on Working with JSON, it explains a lot.)


I didn't notice you already had the Json.format inside the AreaZipcodes object. You either need to move that line out of AreaZipcodes or import it into your current context, i.e.

import AreaZipcodes.areaZipcodeFormat

这篇关于杰森(Json)在Play 2.1.1中写作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 13:59