I wish to create virtual fields on the fly.
My Order & Order Details are like...
//Order Model
class Order extends AppModel {
public $name = 'Order';
public $actsAs = array('Containable');
public $hasMany = array(
'OrderDetail' => array(
'className' => 'OrderDetail',
'foreignKey' => 'order_id',
'dependent' => true
//OrderDetail Model
class OrderDetail extends AppModel {
public $name = 'OrderDetail';
public $actsAs = array('Containable');
public $belongsTo = array(
'Order' => array(
'className' => 'Order',
'foreignKey' => 'order_id',
'dependent' => true
模型关系如下。我正在创建虚拟字段,以便我可以计数项目和他们的成本,以分页。我知道 requestAction
The model relation is like this. I am creating virtual fields on the fly so that I can count number of items and their cost in order pagination. I know the weird way of requestAction
. Is their any way other I can perform my task.
$this->Order->virtualFields['totalCost'] = 0;
$this->Order->virtualFields['totalItem'] = 0;
$fields = array('Order.id', 'Order.order_key', 'Order.delivery_date','COUNT(`OrderDetail`.`order_id`) AS `Order__totalItem`', 'SUM(`OrderDetail`.`cost`) AS `Order__totalCost`');
$this->paginate['Order'] = array("fields"=>$fields, 'conditions' => array("AND" => array($condition, "Order.status" => 3)), 'limit' => '50', 'order' => array('Order.id' => 'DESC'));
它结束我与mysql未找到列未知列'OrderDetail.order_id 'in'field list'
It ends me with the mysql not found column Unknown column 'OrderDetail.order_id' in 'field list'
. I haven't put recursive or bind my model to find something else. Why this error is generated ? How can I achieve my aim.
you can create virtual fields on the fly. Your syntax is correct but you can do also this way:
$this->Order->virtualFields['totalCost'] = 'SUM(`OrderDetail`.`cost`)';
$this->Order->virtualFields['totalItem'] = 'COUNT(`OrderDetail`.`order_id`)';
这里的问题是Order与OrderDetail有HasMany关系。 CakePHP在这种情况下不加入表,而是进行两个查询,一个用于订单,一个用于OrderDetail,然后合并记录集。
the problem here is that Order is in HasMany relationship with OrderDetail. CakePHP in this case doesn't join the tables but rather makes two queries, one for the Orders and one for the OrderDetail and then merge the recordsets.
you can paginate OrderDetail instead of Order, and group it by Order.id
$fields = array
$this->paginate['OrderDetail'] = array
"fields"=> $fields,
'conditions' => array("AND" => array($condition, "Order.status" => 3)),
'limit' => '50',
'order' => array('Order.id' => 'DESC'),
'group' => array('Order.id')