


I have node.js service and angular client using socket.io to transport some message during long time http request.


export const socketArray: SocketIO.Socket[] = [];
export let socketMapping: {[socketId: string]: number} = {};

const socketRegister: hapi.Plugin<any> = {
    register: (server) => {
        const io: SocketIO.Server = socket(server.listener);

        // Whenever a session connected to socket, create a socket object and add it to socket array
        io.on("connection", (socket) => {
            console.log(`socket ${socket.id} connected`);
            logger.info(`socket ${socket.id} connected`);

            // Only put socket object into array if init message received
            socket.on("init", msg => {
                logger.info(`socket ${socket.id} initialized`);
                socketMapping[socket.id] = msg;

            // Remove socket object from socket array when disconnected
            socket.on("disconnect", (reason) => {
                console.log(`socket ${socket.id} disconnected because: ${reason}`)
                logger.info(`socket ${socket.id} disconnected because: ${reason}`);
                for(let i = 0; i < socketArray.length; i ++) {
                    if(socketArray[i] === socket) {
                        socketArray.splice(i, 1);
    name: "socketRegister",
    version: "1.0"

export const socketSender = async (socketId: string, channel: string, content: SocketMessage) => {
    try {
        // Add message to db here
        // await storeMessage(socketMapping[socketId], content);
        // Find corresponding socket and send message
        logger.info(`trying sending message to ${socketId}`);
        for (let i = 0; i < socketArray.length; i ++) {
            if (socketArray[i].id === socketId) {
                socketArray[i].emit(channel, JSON.stringify(content));
                logger.info(`socket ${socketId} send message to ${channel}`);
                if (content.isFinal == true) {
                    // TODO: delete all messages of the process if isFinal is true
                    await deleteProcess(content.processId);
    } catch (err) {
        logger.error("Socket sender error: ", err.message);



connectSocket() {
   if (!this.socket) {
       try {
           this.socket = io(socketUrl);
           this.socket.emit('init', 'some-data');
       } catch (err) {
   } else if (this.socket.disconnected) {
       this.socket.emit('init', 'some-data');
   this.socket.on('some-channel', (data) => {
       // Do something
   this.socket.on('disconnect', (data) => {



They usually work fine but produce disconnection error randomly. From my log file, we can see this:

2018-07-21T00:20:28.209Z[x]INFO: socket 8jBh7YC4A1btDTo_AAAN connected

2018-07-21T00:20:28.324Z[x]INFO: socket 8jBh7YC4A1btDTo_AAAN initialized

2018-07-21T00:21:48.314Z[x]INFO: socket 8jBh7YC4A1btDTo_AAAN disconnected because: ping timeout

2018-07-21T00:21:50.849Z[x]INFO: socket C6O7Vq38ygNiwGHcAAAO connected

2018-07-21T00:23:09.345Z[x]INFO: trying sending message to C6O7Vq38ygNiwGHcAAAO


And at the same time of disconnect message, front-end also noticed a disconnect event which saying transport close.


From the log, we can get the work flow is this:

  1. 前端启动套接字连接并向后端发送init消息。它还保存了套接字。

  2. 后端检测到连接并收到初始化消息

  3. 后端将套接字放入阵列中以便它任何时候都可以随时使用

  4. 第一个套接字意外断开,另一个连接发布时没有前端的意识,因此前端从不发送消息来初始化它。

  5. 由于前端的已保存套接字未更改,因此在发出http请求时使用了旧的套接字ID。结果,后端发送了带有旧套接字的消息,该套接字已从套接字数组中删除。

  1. Front-end started a socket connection and sent an init message to back-end. It also save the socket.
  2. Back-end detected the connection and received init message
  3. Back-end put the socket to the array so that it can be used anytime anywhere
  4. The first socket was disconnected unexpectedly and another connection is published without front-end's awareness so front-end never send a message to initialize it.
  5. Since front-end's saved socket is not changed, it used the old socket id when made http request. As a result, back-end sent message with the old socket which was already removed from socket array.


The situation doesn't happen frequently. Does anyone know what could cause the disconnect and unknown connect issue?


这真的取决于长时间的http请求在做什么。 node.js将您的Javascript作为单个线程运行。这意味着它一次只能做一件事。但是,由于服务器执行的很多事情都与I / O相关(从数据库读取,从文件中获取数据,从另一台服务器获取数据等),而node.js使用事件驱动的异步I / O,它通常可以同时在空中播放许多球,因此它似乎同时处理大量请求。

It really depends what "long time http request" is doing. node.js runs your Javascript as a single thread. That means it can literally only do one thing at a time. But, since many things that servers do are I/O related (read from a database, get data from a file, get data from another server, etc...) and node.js uses event-driven asynchronous I/O, it can often have many balls in the air at the same time so it appears to be working on lots of requests at once.

但是,如果您的复杂http请求是CPU-密集,使用大量的CPU,然后它占用了单个Javascript线程,并且在占用CPU时没有其他任何东西可以完成。这意味着所有传入的HTTP或socket.io请求都必须在队列中等待,直到一个node.js Javascript线程空闲,因此它可以从事件队列中获取下一个事件并开始处理该传入请求。

But, if your complex http request is CPU-intensive, using lots of CPU, then it's hogging the single Javascript thread and nothing else can get done while it is hogging the CPU. That means that all incoming HTTP or socket.io requests have to wait in a queue until the one node.js Javascript thread is free so it can grab the next event from the event queue and start to process that incoming request.


We could only really help you more specifically if we could see the code for this "very complex http request".


The usual way around CPU-hogging things in node.js is to offload CPU-intensive stuff to other processes. If it's mostly just this one piece of code that causes the problem, you can spin up several child processes (perhaps as many as the number of CPUs you have in your server) and then feed them the CPU-intensive work and leave your main node.js process free to handle incoming (non-CPU-intensive) requests with very low latency.


If you have multiple operations that might hog the CPU, then you either have to farm them all out to child processes (probably via some sort of work queue) or you can deploy clustering. The challenge with clustering is that a given socket.io connection will be to one particular server in your cluster and if it's that process that just happens to be executing a CPU-hogging operation, then all the socket.io connections assigned to that server would have bad latency. So, regular clustering is probably not so good for this type of issue. The work-queue and multiple specialized child processes to handle CPU-intensive work are probably better because those processes won't have any outside socket.io connections that they are responsible for.

此外,您应该知道,如果您正在使用同步文件I / O,那将阻止整个node.js Javascript线程。 node.js在同步文件I / O操作期间无法运行任何其他Javascript。 node.js获得了它的可伸缩性,并且能够从异步I / O模型中同时运行许多操作。如果您使用同步I / O,则会完全破坏它并破坏可伸缩性和响应性。

Also, you should know that if you're using synchronous file I/O, that blocks the entire node.js Javascript thread. node.js can not run any other Javascript during a synchronous file I/O operation. node.js gets its scalability and its ability to have many operations in flight at the same from its asynchronous I/O model. If you use synchronous I/O, you completely break that and ruin scalability and responsiveness.

同步文件I / O仅属于服务器启动代码或单用途脚本(不是服务器)。在服务器中处理请求时不应该使用它。

Synchronous file I/O belongs only in server startup code or in a single purpose script (not a server). It should never be used while processing a request in a server.

使用流或使用<$>使异步文件I / O更容易忍受的两种方法c $ c> async / await 使用promisified fs 方法。

Two ways to make asynchronous file I/O a little more tolerable are by using streams or by using async/await with promisified fs methods.


08-05 12:55