


I have some code where a socket is made to join multiple rooms. At some point in the code, i want to leave all the rooms at one go, without disconnecting the socket. Is it possible to do this? If yes, then how can i do this? Thanks in advance..

我正在使用 socket.IO

I am using socket.IO


那是可能的.您可以在不断开插座的情况下离开房间.仅当您调用 socket.disconnect() 时,套接字才会断开连接.

That's possible. You can leave rooms without disconnecting the socket. The socket disconnects only when you make a call to socket.disconnect().

为此,您必须维护每个客户加入和离开的房间列表.要离开所有房间,请遍历此列表并调用 socket.leave(roomname);

To do this you'll have to maintain a list of rooms each client joins and leaves. To leave all rooms iterate through this list and make a call to socket.leave(roomname);


09-02 20:10