




I am developing react app and for api call i am using axios library. For all api calls i have app.js file, and then when some component needs to make api call just call function from that file. In short that would be little structre for now. In app.js file i have multiple api calls in which i am also seanding header config cause of token authorization. So i want to have a separate config file which will have default api header and all urls i am using for api call. I am looking for a best way to structure code.


您可以使用一个组件,该组件保存您的 baseURL ( API基本位置)

You can use a Component, which hold's your baseURL ( API base location )


import axios from 'axios';

const instance = axios.create({
    baseURL: 'https://react-test-b1ae5.firebaseio.com/'

export default instance;

另一个用于保存API调用的文件:您可以为该组件指定所需的名称(例如: axiousURL )

Another file to hold you API calls part: You can give this component a desired name (Ex: axiousURL)

export const ADD_URL = 'AddArticle';
export const DELETE_URL = 'DeleteArticle';
export const UPDATE_URL = 'UpdateArticle';


import axios from '../../axios-orders';
import * as axiosURLS from '../../axiosURL';

axios.get( axios.baseURL+axiosURLS.DELETE_URL )
            .then( response => {
                // Some code//
            } )
            .catch( error => {
                // handle error
            } );


08-05 12:42