根据存储在数据库中的密码策略弹出密码文本框上的警报。你明白我的意思吗?我真的需要帮助,因为下周我有一个演讲。请帮助我。 TT顺便说一下我用php。
hi. i make a project which is about the password policy. but i'm having a problem on how to fetch the data of password policy (minlength, maxlength, character, etc) which is stored in the database and use it at the password textbox. i don't know how to popup the alert on the password textbox based on the password policy stored in the database. do you get me? i really need help because next week i have a presentation. please help meee. T.T btw im using php.
这个论坛不支持PHP,只有VB.NET 。
This forum does not support PHP, only VB.NET.