Hi, I am getting a timeout when trying to deploy a package. The first one I tried worked but all fail after that.
我正在将SSDT 2017和Azure SQL DB与SSMS 2017(V17.6)一起使用
I am using SSDT 2017 and Azure SQL DB with SSMS 2017 (V17.6)
我正在使用为Azure SQL DB和ADF IR运行时设置的管理员登录名,并且正在连接并确认确定.
I am using the Admin login that was set up for the Azure SQL DB and the ADF IR-Runtime and I am connecting and verifying ok.
部署项目"坐在进行中"一段时间后由于超时而失败.当我同时使用SSMS和SSDT进行部署时,就会发生这种情况.我尝试重新启动ADF IR运行时,但无济于事.
The "Deploying Project" sits in "In Progress" for some time then fails due to timeout. This happens when I use both SSMS and SSDT to deploy. I have tried restarting the ADF IR-Runtime, which doesn't help.
[Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.]
[Server Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error Number: -2 Severity: 11 State: 0]
Has anyone seen and solved this?
为确保涵盖所有步骤,请按照本教程进行操作:将SQL Server Integration Services程序包部署到Azure
To ensure you have all the steps covered, please follow this tutorial: Deploy SQL Server Integration Services packages to Azure
It shouldn't take more than 20 mins but, since you have most (if not all) deployed already, this should be a way to ensure you have everything correctly set-up.
本教程: 调用存储过程中的SSIS程序包 使用Azure数据工厂中存储过程活动的SSIS包
This tutorial: Invoke an SSIS package using stored procedure activity in Azure Data Factory
Covers the procedure for invoking the SSIS package through the Azure Portal as well as via PowerShell. It also outlines the set-up process.
If this information is helpful to your issue and brings resolution, please mark this as being answered.
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