


The following query is showing up in my log as not using an index:

SELECT ordinal,YEAR(ceremonydate) as yr
FROM awardinfo
ORDER BY YEAR(ceremonydate) DESC LIMIT 1;


Explain shows it's not using an index:

id: 1
select_type:    SIMPLE
table: awardinfo
type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
key: NULL
key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 72
Extra: Using filesort


ordinal, ceremonydate both have an index. Are they not being used due to the yr alias? Is there a way to create an index on YEAR(ceremonydate) instead of just ceremonydate? Or is there a way to index an alias?


这是因为别名。 ORDER BY 如果按索引的方式排序,则可以使用索引。虽然 ceremonyDate 日期可能会被编入索引,但年(ceremoneyDate)更改的仪式日期值完全不同的东西,所以年(ceremoneyDate)没有编入索引。

It is because of the alias. ORDER BY can use an index if it is ordering by something that is indexed. While ceremonyDate date may be indexed, YEAR(ceremoneyDate) changes the value of ceremonyDate to something completely different, so YEAR(ceremoneyDate) is not indexed.

自从你无法索引别名,这意味着为了使 ORDER BY 使用索引,它必须是简单的列名或列名列表。

And since you can't index an alias, this means that in order for an ORDER BY to use an index, it must be a simple column name, or list of column names.


You should be able to do this and use the index:

SELECT ordinal,YEAR(ceremonydate) as yr
FROM awardinfo
ORDER BY ceremonydate DESC LIMIT 1;


Without knowing what your data looks like, that may work for you instead.



08-05 12:17