本文介绍了身份验证后 ASP.Net 重定向到本地主机的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚创建了一个托管在我的 Azure 订阅中的网络表单.我通过我的作品 Azure 目录使用身份验证设置它以对用户进行身份验证.在调试中,这工作正常,我可以使用我的工作凭据登录,然后通过本地主机查看网站.

I just created a webform that is hosted in my Azure subscription. I set it up with authenication via my works Azure directory for authenticating users. In debug this works fine and I am able to login with my work credentials and then view the website via local host.

我已将此发布到我的 Azure 上,它说它运行良好.因此,当我尝试连接到该网站时,它会不断将我重定向到本地主机,从而导致错误.

I have published this to my Azure and it says it is running and working fine. So when I try to connect to the website it continuously redirects me to the localhost resulting in an error.


I have checked the web config.


Here is the google network chain of events when it occurs.

我真的不知道出了什么问题以及我需要做什么来解决这个问题,所以任何帮助都将不胜感激.对不起,我不能提供更多,但我什至不知道从哪里开始或从哪里看有什么问题.Azure 中是否有一些设置需要我也添加网站?

I am really lost as to what is wrong and what I need to do to fix this so any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry I can't offer more but I don't even know what is wrong to begin with or where to look. Is there some setting in Azure that I need to add the website too?



I have solved this issue. Since it was such a pain I will keep this up as I couldn't find any answers on this. It was actually quite simple.


You have two options. The one I did and which worked was changing the publish profile as below:

添加进行身份验证的域.因此,如果您的 Web 应用程序由正在对用户进行身份验证的其他 azure 帐户托管,请使用正在进行身份验证的帐户.

Add the domain where the authentication is occurring. So if you have your web app hosted by a different azure account that which is authenticating the users, use the one that is authenticating.


This will create two versions of your app on the site one for local host and one for the actual site.

第二个选项(我还没有尝试过,但它应该可以工作)是转到您对用户进行身份验证的 Azure 帐户,然后转到应用程序,然后进行配置.将 APP URL 从本地主机更改为您尝试访问的 URL.

The second option(I have not tried this but it should work) is to go to the Azure account where you are authenticating the users and go to applications and then configure. Change the APP URL from local host to the url you are trying to get to.


Here is an excellent link that explains how to do this clearly.


这篇关于身份验证后 ASP.Net 重定向到本地主机的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 12:04