Hello Friendz,
Hello Friendz,
I am just stuck up with a small problem. I want to retrieve the client side time of the user. I have written following code for it.But some how its not showing the time.
function DisplayDateTime()
var DateTime = new Date();
var strYear= DateTime.getYear();
var strMonth= DateTime.getMonth() +1;
var strDay = DateTime.getDate();
var strHours = DateTime.getHours();
var strMinutes = DateTime.getMinutes();
var strSeconds = DateTime.getSeconds();
var dateTime=document.getElementById("lblDateTime");
dateTime.innerText = strDay + "/" + strMonth + "/" + strYear + " " + strHours + ":" + strMinutes + ":" + strSeconds;
I have called the function on the click of the button.
<asp:Button ID="btnHitMe" runat="server" Text="Hit Me!!" OnClientClick="DisplayDateTime()"OnClick="btnHitMe_Click" /
Can somebody tell me where am I going wrong??:confused:
[moved from answer]:
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/masterpage1.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="pgLogin.aspx.cs" Inherits="pgLogin" Title="Login Page" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="middleContent" runat="Server">
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/md5-paj.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function EncryptMD5()
var Pass = document.getElementById("<%=txtPassword.ClientID%>").value;
// Encrypte the password
if (Pass.length > 0 )
var MD5Hash = hex_md5(Pass);
var salt = document.getElementById("<%=SaltStr.ClientID%>").value;
MD5Hash = hex_md5(salt+MD5Hash);
document.getElementById("<%=HashPass.ClientID%>").value = MD5Hash;
document.getElementById("<%=txtPassword.ClientID%>").value = MD5Hash;
function DisplayDateTime()
var DateTime = new Date();
var strYear= DateTime.getYear();
var strMonth= DateTime.getMonth() +1;
var strDay = DateTime.getDate();
var strHours = DateTime.getHours();
var strMinutes = DateTime.getMinutes();
var strSeconds = DateTime.getSeconds();
var dateTime=document.getElementById("lblDateTime");
dateTime.innerHTML = strDay + "/" + strMonth + "/" + strYear + " " + strHours + ":" + strMinutes + ":" + strSeconds;
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tblalign" style="width: 100%;
height: 300px" title="LMS Login Page">
<td align="center" colspan="5" rowspan="1">
<hr style="width: 100%; color: #0099ff; height: 2px" />
<td align="center" colspan="4" rowspan="1" style="height: 13px; background-color: #dedede">
<td align="center" colspan="4" rowspan="1" style="height: 13px; background-color: #dedede">
<td align="center" colspan="4" valign="top">
<table id="tblLogin" bgcolor="#f3f3f3" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border-right: gray 2px solid; border-top: gray 2px solid; border-left: gray 2px solid;
width: 300px; border-bottom: gray 2px solid" title="LMS Login Page">
<td align="middle" class="Panelmedblack" colspan="1" rowspan="5">
<img src="images/Transport%20Vehical%201.jpg" />
<td align="middle" class="Panelmedblack" colspan="4" style="height: 20px">
<td class="medblack" colspan="4" height="5">
<asp:Label ID="lblDateTime" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<td class="medblack" style="height: 20px" width="2%">
<td align="center" class="Arial11" style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; height: 20px"
<strong><span style="color: #003399">Username:</span></strong></td>
<td align="left" class="medblack" style="width: 170px; height: 20px">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtLoginName" runat="server" CssClass="TextBoxClass" TabIndex="1"
ToolTip="Enter user name" Width="145px">
<td class="medblack" style="height: 20px" width="2%">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvLoginName" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtLoginName"
Font-Bold="True" ValidationGroup="vg" Width="120px">Enter user name</asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td class="medblack" colspan="4" height="5">
<td class="medblack" style="height: 24px">
<td class="Arial11" style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; height: 24px">
<div ms_positioning="FlowLayout" style="display: inline; width: 7px; height: 15px">
<strong><span style="color: #333399">Password:</span></strong></td>
<td align="left" class="medblack" style="width: 170px; height: 24px">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtPassword" runat="server" CssClass="TextBoxClass" EnableTheming="True"
EnableViewState="False" TabIndex="2" TextMode="Password" ToolTip="Enter password"
<td class="medblack" style="height: 24px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvPassword" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtPassword"
ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator" Font-Bold="True" ValidationGroup="vg" Width="120px">Enter password</asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td class="medblack" height="20">
<td class="medblack" height="20">
<td class="medblack">
<td class="medblack" style="width: 170px">
<asp:Button ID="cmdLogin" runat="server" CssClass="ButtonClass" Font-Bold="True"
Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Small" Height="23px" OnClick="cmdLogin_Click"
OnClientClick="EncryptMD5()" TabIndex="4" Text="Login" ValidationGroup="vg" Width="53px"
style="cursor: hand" ToolTip="user Login " />
<asp:Button ID="cmdCancel" runat="server" CssClass="ButtonClass" Font-Bold="True"
Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Small" Height="23px" OnClick="cmdCancel_Click"
TabIndex="5" Text="Cancel" Width="61px" ToolTip="Cancel login" /></td>
<td class="medblack" style="text-align: left">
<td class="medblack" colspan="5" rowspan="2">
<asp:Label ID="lblErrMsg" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" Text="Invalid Username or Password"
<asp:LinkButton id="LinkButton2" runat="server" Font-Size="Small" ForeColor="Blue"
PostBackUrl="~/pgChangePwd.aspx">Change Password</asp:LinkButton>
<hr color="gray" size="1" width="100%" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="SaltStr" runat="server" Visible="True" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="HashPass" runat="server" Visible="True" />
<asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="Red" Height="17px"
<td align="center">
<asp:Button ID="btnHitMe" runat="server" Text="Hit Me!!" OnClientClick="return DisplayDateTime()" OnClick="btnHitMe_Click" />
<td align="right" colspan="5" rowspan="1" style="height: 29px">
<hr style="width: 100%; color: #0099ff; height: 2px" />
Thanking You,
Instead Write
Instead Write
OnClientClick = "return DisplayDateTime()"
function DisplayDateTime()
var DateTime = new Date();
var strYear= DateTime.getYear();
var strMonth= DateTime.getMonth() +1;
var strDay = DateTime.getDate();
var strHours = DateTime.getHours();
var strMinutes = DateTime.getMinutes();
var strSeconds = DateTime.getSeconds();
var dateTime=document.getElementById("lblDateTime");
dateTime.innerText = strDay + "/" + strMonth + "/" + strYear + " " + strHours + ":" + strMinutes + ":" + strSeconds;
function DisplayDateTime()
var DateTime = new Date();
var strYear= DateTime.getYear();
var strMonth= DateTime.getMonth() +1;
var strDay = DateTime.getDate();
var strHours = DateTime.getHours();
var strMinutes = DateTime.getMinutes();
var strSeconds = DateTime.getSeconds();
var dateTime=document.getElementById("lblDateTime");
dateTime.innerText = strDay + "/" + strMonth + "/" + strYear + " " + strHours + ":" + strMinutes + ":" + strSeconds;
Instead Write ( Just Appended return false to the end of function )
Instead Write ( Just Appended return false to the end of function )
function DisplayDateTime() {
var DateTime = new Date();
var strYear = DateTime.getYear();
var strMonth = DateTime.getMonth() + 1;
var strDay = DateTime.getDate();
var strHours = DateTime.getHours();
var strMinutes = DateTime.getMinutes();
var strSeconds = DateTime.getSeconds();
var dateTime = document.getElementById("lblDateTime");
dateTime.innerText = strDay + "/" + strMonth + "/" + strYear + " " + strHours + ":" + strMinutes + ":" + strSeconds;
return false;
Vote and Mark as a Answer if it helped.
Vote and Mark as a Answer if it helped.