


  • 差异在'duck type'和old-skool'变体类型'之间,和

  • 提供了一个例子,我可能更喜欢鸭子打字而不是变种打字,

  • 提供一些我 使用鸭子打字来完成的事情的例子?


ADDENDUM:谢谢你到目前为止的例子。在我看来,使用像'O-> can(Blah)'这样的东西相当于做反射查找(可能不便宜),和/或与编译器可能说的(O是IBlah)大致相同能够检查你,但后者的优点是区分我的IBlah界面和你的IBlah界面,而其他两个没有。当然,每种方法都有很多微小的界面会变得混乱,但是那样可以检查很多单独的方法...

...所以我再也没有得到它。在一个全新的麻袋中,它是一个梦幻般的节省时间,还是同样的老东西? 需要鸭子打字的示例在哪里?




  interface IDuck {
void Quack();


  class Daffy {
void Quack(){
Console.WriteLine(Thatsssss dispicable !!!!);



  IDuck d = new Daffy(); 


I keep seeing the phrase "duck typing" bandied about, and even ran across a code example or two. I am way too busy to do my own research, can someone tell me, briefly:

  • the difference between a 'duck type' and an old-skool 'variant type', and
  • provide an example of where I might prefer duck typing over variant typing, and
  • provide an example of something that i would have to use duck typing to accomplish?

I don't mean to seem fowl by doubting the power of this 'new' construct, and I'm not ducking the issue by refusing to do the research, but I am quacking up at all the flocking hype i've been seeing about it lately. It looks like no typing (aka dynamic typing) to me, so I'm not seeing the advantages right away.

ADDENDUM: Thanks for the examples so far. It seems to me that using something like 'O->can(Blah)' is equivalent to doing a reflection lookup (which is probably not cheap), and/or is about the same as saying (O is IBlah) which the compiler might be able to check for you, but the latter has the advantage of distinguishing my IBlah interface from your IBlah interface while the other two do not. Granted, having a lot of tiny interfaces floating around for every method would get messy, but then again so can checking for a lot of individual methods...

...so again i'm just not getting it. Is it a fantastic time-saver, or the same old thing in a brand new sack? Where is the example that requires duck typing?


The simple answer is variant is weakly typed while duck typing is strongly typed.

Duck typing can be summed up nicely as "if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, acts like a duck, then it's a duck." It computer science terms consider duck to be the following interface.

interface IDuck {
  void Quack();

Now let's examine Daffy

class Daffy {
  void Quack() {
    Console.WriteLine("Thatsssss dispicable!!!!");

Daffy is not actually an IDuck in this case. Yet it acts just like a Duck. Why make Daffy implement IDuck when it's quite obvious that Daffy is in fact a duck.

This is where Duck typing comes in. It allows a type safe conversion between any type that has all of the behaviors of a IDuck and an IDuck reference.

IDuck d = new Daffy();

The Quack method can now be called on "d" with complete type safety. There is no chance of a runtime type error in this assignment or method call.


09-14 09:27