


我正在尝试将Smalltalk与 smalltalk/x-jv分支一起使用 .我有以下简单代码:

I am trying to use smalltalk with smalltalk/x-jv branch. I have following simple code:

Object subclass: Myclass[
    init [mainval := 555]
    getmainval [^mainval]

gc := Myclass new.
gc init.
gc getmainval printNl.


I am trying to run it on command line with stc command of smalltalk/x-jv, but it it not working. Following is the error:

$ ./stc testsrc.st
testsrc.st, line 1: Error: syntax error in 'class definition' near "Myclass" (char/token=286 / 0x11e) (fileIn expression)


Where is the problem and how can it be solved? Thanks for your help.



恐怕您不能直接在Smalltalk/X(-jv分支)中使用GNU Smalltalk代码.同样很高兴看到您在Smalltalk问题系列中的最终目标是什么.

I'm afraid you can't use the GNU Smalltalk code directly within Smalltalk/X(-jv branch). Also it would be nice to see what is your final goal during the Smalltalk question series.


What is important for you to understand that Smalltalk has been designed to work within the IDE if you want to build an application you should use the IDE provided. If you want to build a sample application there is even guide for that for Smalltalk/X. That, of course, do not mean you are unable to start a script from command line (Smalltalk/X is powerfull at shell).

话虽这么说,其中有一个 Smalltalk/我在BitBucket上托管的 Sublime Text 3 的X高亮显示包文件.我主要是为Smalltalk及其嵌入式C高亮创建的.

That being said there is a Smalltalk/X highlighting package file for Sublime Text 3 done by myself hosted at BitBucket. I have created it mainly for Smalltalk and its embedded C highlighting.

首先,您可能使用的是stx可执行文件,而不是stc. stcsmalltalk-to-C 编译器的快捷方式. stc生成 C代码,然后可以由 C编译器将其编译为目标文件,然后可以将其链接和最后一个 executable (以及其他smalltalk类和运行时).

First you are probably using stx executable and not stc. stc is a shorcut for smalltalk-to-C compiler. stc produces a C code which can then be compiled by a C compiler into an object file which then can be linked with a final executable (together with other smalltalk classes and runtime).


smalltalk or stx is a launcher that can execute smalltalk scripts or open a full-blown IDE. If you're familiar with Java, think of stc as of javac and smalltalk or stx as of java.

您可以使用提供的名为smalltalk的启动器(bash脚本,用于* nix,用于Windows的批处理/powershell),最后使用stx.com,但提供了一些附加功能.

You can use the launcher provided called smalltalk (a bash script for *nix and batch/powershell for windows), which is using the stx.com at the end, but providing some additional functionality.

使用smalltalk --help参见命令行选项.


First I will start with a simple one-liner which you can use:

stx.com -I --quick --eval "Transcript showCR: 'A message on stdout on Transcript'
A message on stdout on Transcript


on windows you if you use smalltalk you get more information:

smalltalk -I --quick --eval "Transcript showCR: 'A message on stdout on Transcript'

"[INFO] PowerShell detected: ->TRUE<-.
"[INFO] The latest latest_powershell_version found: 5.1.16299.1004."
"[INFO] With the runtime being: v4.0.30319."
VERBOSE: [INFO] Manual switch detected - configuration is ignored
VERBOSE: [INFO] Executing asynchronously command: C:\prg_sdk\stx8-jv_swing\build\stx\projects\smalltalk\stx.com  -I
--quick --eval "Transcript showCR: 'A message on stdout on Transcript'"   | Out-null
VERBOSE: A message on stdout on Transcript
VERBOSE: [INFO] Exiting from PowerShell with code 0

VERBOSE: [INFO] End. Exiting correctly.



Now lets move to your scripting question

At the beginning the best way is to create the class in IDE and do a fileOut of it. You will then see the correct structure the .st file should have.


I have create a simple file script.st for you (this is simlilar what you would get on a fileOut from IDE):

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

Object subclass:#MyClass

!MyClass methodsFor:'accessing'!


    ^ mainValue

mainValue: newValue

    mainValue := newValue
! !

!MyClass methodsFor:'initialization & release'!


    super initialize.
    mainValue := 555.
! !

gc := MyClass new.
gc initialize.
Transcript showCR: gc mainValue.


How do you run such a sript?

smalltalk --execute script.st



If you want to script without "objects" (well everything is object in Smalltalk, but you don't define a class here) you can do simple transcript.st:

| mainValue |

mainValue := 555.
Transcript showCR: mainValue.

再次将其执行为:smalltalk --execute transcript.st以得到相同的结果.

again execute it as: smalltalk --execute transcript.st to get identical result.



09-09 02:14