The test driven development guys refer to a quick, exploratory, investigation that involves coding something up to see if it works, a spike.
Any ideas why they came up with that word?
更新: Kent Beck 的造币对我来说看起来像是原始"造币,尽管我认为他对这个词的用法没有多大意义.编写一个快速测试是在项目中突围"?
Update: The coinage by Kent Beck looks like the 'original' one to me, although his usage of the word doesn't make much sense in my opinion. Coding up a quick test is 'putting a spike through the project'?
Interestingly, it seems he stopped using the term because it conjured up various meanings to different people - see below for evidence!
Ward Cunningham 在 WardsWiki(指肯特贝克):
Ward Cunningham writes on WardsWiki (referring to Kent Beck):
我经常问 Kent,什么是我们可以编程的最简单的事情会说服我们我们是对的跟踪?"就这样跨出手头的困难常常使我们更简单、更引人注目的解决方案.肯特称其为斯派克.我找到了练习特别有用,而维护大型框架.
Kent Beck 在Better Smalltalk 指南中写道:
Kent Beck writes in Guide to Better Smalltalk:
有时我称其为尖峰",因为我们在整个设计中推动尖峰.[...] 由于人们将spike"与排球、铁路或狗的联系方式各不相同,因此我开始使用架构原型"来描述这种实现.
这篇关于为什么 TDD 的“Spikes"被称为“Spikes"?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!