


  class CoolingMachines {
public void startMachine(){
public void stopMachine(){

类冰箱扩展CoolingMachines {
public void startMachine(){
System.out.println(Refrigerator Starts);
public void stopMachine(){
System.out.println(Refrigerator Stop);
public void trip(){
System.out.println(Refrigerator Trip);

类AirConditioner扩展CoolingMachines {
public void startMachine(){
System.out.println(AC Starts);
public void stopMachine(){
System.out.println(AC Stop);

公共类PolymorphismDemo {
CoolingMachines cm = new Refrigerator();
冰箱rf =新冰箱();

现在我在Demo类中创建了两个对象,并引用了冰箱。我完全理解,从 rf 对象,我可以调用 trip()方法c> Refrigerator ,但该方法将隐藏在 cm 对象中。现在我的问题是为什么我应该使用多态或我为什么要使用

  CoolingMachines cm = new Refrigerator();我b 

$ b $ $ p> 冰箱rf =新冰箱();

多态对象的效率是好还是重量轻?这两个对象的基本目的和区别是什么? cm.start(); rf.start()

$ b之间有什么区别吗? $ b



 列表与LT; CoolingMachines> coolingMachines = ... //一个CoolingMachines列表
for(CoolingMachine current:coolingMachines){

或者当你想允许方法使用<$的任何子类时c $ c> CoolingMachines

When I started to look for the benefits of polymorphism, I found with this question here. But here I was unable to find my answer. Let me tell what I want to find. Here I have some classes:

class CoolingMachines{
    public void startMachine(){
        //No implementationion
    public void stopMachine(){
        //No implementationion

class Refrigerator extends CoolingMachines{
    public void startMachine(){
        System.out.println("Refrigerator Starts");
    public void stopMachine(){
        System.out.println("Refrigerator Stop");
    public void trip(){
        System.out.println("Refrigerator Trip");

class AirConditioner extends CoolingMachines{
    public void startMachine(){
        System.out.println("AC Starts");
    public void stopMachine(){
        System.out.println("AC Stop");

public class PolymorphismDemo {
    CoolingMachines cm = new Refrigerator();
    Refrigerator rf = new Refrigerator();

Now here I created two objects in the Demo class and are references of Refrigerator. I have completely understood that from the rf object I am able to call the trip() method of Refrigerator, but that method will be hidden for the cm object. Now my question is why should I use polymorphism or why should I use

CoolingMachines cm = new Refrigerator();

when I am OK with

Refrigerator rf = new Refrigerator();

Is polymorphic object's efficiency is good or light in weight? What is the basic purpose and difference between both of these objects? Is there any difference between cm.start(); and rf.start()?


It is useful when you handle lists...A short example:

List<CoolingMachines> coolingMachines = ... // a list of CoolingMachines
for (CoolingMachine current : coolingMachines) {

Or when you want to allow a method to work with any subclass of CoolingMachines


08-05 10:25