我需要加载一个YAML文件(我正在尝试使用SettingsLogic),并且我希望该实例以与其相同的 name 加载YAML.简要地:
I need to load a YAML file (I'm experimenting with SettingsLogic) and I'd like the instance to load the YAML with the same name as it. Briefly:
class MySettings < SettingsLogic
source "whatever_the_instance_is_called.yml"
# Do some other stuff here
basic_config = MySettings.new # loads & parses basic_config.yml
advanced_cfg = MySettings.new # loads & parses advanced_cfg.yml
...and so on...
The reason for this I don't yet know what configuration files I'll have to load, and typing:
my_config = MySettings.new("my_config.yml")
my_config = MySettings.new(:MyConfig)
我浏览了Google和Stackoverflow,最接近答案的是"获取实例名称"或有关实例名称无意义的讨论! (不过,我可能查询错了.)
I took a look around both Google and Stackoverflow, and the closest I came to an answer is either "Get Instance Name" or a discussion about how meaningless an instance name is! (I'm probably getting the query wrong, however.)
I have tried instance#class
, and instance#name
; I also tried instance#_id2ref(self)
O.K., so with local variable assignment, there are snags, such as that assignment might occur slightly later than local variable symbol addition to the local variable list. But here is my module ConstMagicErsatz
that I used to implement something similar to out-of-the box Ruby constant magic:
a = Class.new
a.name #=> nil - anonymous
ABC = a # constant magic at work
a.name #=> "ABC"
这里的优点是您不必编写ABC = Class.new(name:"ABC"),名称被神奇地"分配了.这也适用于Struct类:
The advantage here is that you don't have to write ABC = Class.new( name: "ABC" ), name gets assigned 'magically'. This also works with Struct class:
Koko = Struct.new
Koko.name #=> "Koko"
but with no other classes. So here goes my ConstMagicErsatz
that allows you to do
class MySettings < SettingsLogic
include ConstMagicErsatz
ABC = MySettings.new
ABC.name #=> "ABC"
a = MySettings.new name: "ABC"
a.name #=> "ABC"
module ConstMagicErsatz
def self.included receiver
receiver.class_variable_set :@@instances, Hash.new
receiver.class_variable_set :@@nameless_instances, Array.new
receiver.extend ConstMagicClassMethods
# The receiver class will obtain #name pseudo getter method.
def name
name_string = self.class.instances[ self ].to_s
name_string.nil? ? nil : name_string.demodulize
# The receiver class will obtain #name setter method
def name= ɴ
self.class.instances[ self ] = ɴ.to_s
module ConstMagicClassMethods
# #new method will consume either:
# 1. any parameter named :name or :ɴ from among the named parameters,
# or,
# 2. the first parameter from among the ordered parameters,
# and invoke #new of the receiver class with the remaining arguments.
def new( *args, &block )
oo = args.extract_options!
# consume :name named argument if it was supplied
ɴς = if oo[:name] then oo.delete( :name ).to_s
elsif oo[:ɴ] then oo.delete( :ɴ ).to_s
else nil end
# but do not consume the first ordered argument
# and call #new method of the receiver class with the remaining args:
instance = super *args, oo, &block
# having obtained the instance, attach the name to it
instances.merge!( instance => ɴς )
return instance
# The method will search the namespace for constants to which the objects
# of the receiver class, that are so far nameless, are assigned, and name
# them by the first such constant found. The method returns the number of
# remaining nameless instances.
def const_magic
self.nameless_instances =
class_variable_get( :@@instances ).select{ |key, val| val.null? }.keys
return 0 if nameless_instances.size == 0
catch :no_nameless_instances do search_namespace_and_subspaces Object end
return nameless_instances.size
end # def const_magic
# @@instances getter and setter for the target class
def instances; const_magic; class_variable_get :@@instances end
def instances= val; class_variable_set :@@instances, val end
# @@nameless_instances getter for the target class
def nameless_instances; class_variable_get :@@nameless_instances end
def nameless_instances= val; class_variable_set :@@nameless_instances, val end
# Checks all the constants in some module's namespace, recursivy
def search_namespace_and_subspaces( ɱodule, occupied = [] )
occupied << ɱodule.object_id # mark the module "occupied"
# Get all the constants of ɱodule namespace (in reverse - more effic.)
const_symbols = ɱodule.constants( false ).reverse
# check contents of these constant for wanted objects
const_symbols.each do |sym|
# puts "#{ɱodule}::#{sym}" # DEBUG
# get the constant contents
obj = ɱodule.const_get( sym ) rescue nil
# is it a wanted object?
if nameless_instances.map( &:object_id ).include? obj.object_id then
class_variable_get( :@@instances )[ obj ] = ɱodule.name + "::#{sym}"
nameless_instances.delete obj
# and stop working in case there are no more unnamed instances
throw :no_nameless_instances if nameless_instances.empty?
# and recursively descend into the subspaces
const_symbols.each do |sym|
obj = ɱodule.const_get sym rescue nil # get the const value
search_namespace_and_subspaces( obj, occupied ) unless
occupied.include? obj.object_id if obj.kind_of? Module
end # module ConstMagicClassMethods
end # module ConstMagicErsatz
The above code implements automatic searching of whole Ruby namespace with the aim of finding which constant refers to the given instance, whenever #name method is called.
The only constraint using constants gives you, is that you have to capitalize it. Of course, what you want would be modifying the metaclass of the object after it is already born and assigned to a constant. Since, again, there is no hook, you have to finde the occasion to do this, such as when the new object is first used for its purpose. So, having
ABC = MySettings.new
and then, when the first use of your MySettings instance occurs, before doing anything else, to patch its metaclass:
class MySettings
def do_something_useful
# before doing it
instance_name = self.name
singleton_class.class_exec { source "#{instance_name}.yml" }
# do other useful things