

本文介绍了如何在.NET Core中获取IServiceProvider的实例?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


IServiceProvider 是具有单个方法的接口:

IServiceProvider is an interface with single method:

object GetService(Type serviceType);

用于创建在.NET Core本机DI容器中注册的类型的实例。

It's used to create instances of types registered in .NET Core native DI container.

IServiceProvider 本身的实例可以通过调用 BuildServiceProvider 方法获得 IServiceCollection IServiceCollection Startup 类中 ConfigureServices 方法的参数。框架似乎用 IServiceCollection 的实例神奇地调用了它。

An instance of IServiceProvider itself can be obtained by calling a BuildServiceProvider method of an IServiceCollection. IServiceCollection is a parameter of ConfigureServices method in a Startup class. It seems to be magically called with an instance of IServiceCollection by the framework.

我想创建一个实例 IServiceProvider 完全没有 Setup 方法。我需要它来解决集成测试程序集中的依赖关系。在这种情况下,能否完全获得它?

I want to create an instance of IServiceProvider without having Setup method at all. I need it to resolve dependencies in an integration test assembly. Is it possible to get it at all in this scenario?


这是 IServiceCollection的默认实现从Microsoft:

This is the default implementation of IServiceCollection from Microsoft:

看看代码,您应该可以只需调用以下命令即可获取 IServiceCollection

Looking at the code then you should be able to get an IServiceCollection simply by calling:

var serviceCollection = new Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection();


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08-05 09:59