


 public static T2 MyFunc<T1, T2>( T1 a, T1 b, T2 c)
            return c;


I'm creating 2 Persons class instances:

 class Person
         {  }

            Person p = new Person();
            Person p2 = new Person();


I'm calling the function with :

 MyClass.MyFunc(p, p2, 5);


my Question is :

究竟是谁决定对T1类型? (P?P2?)

Who actually decide about the T1 type ? (p ? p2 ? )


Because if the left one is Apple so he checks that the second one is Also an apple

如果第二个是橙色 - 。他应该检查第一个也是橙

and if the second one is Orange - he should check that the first one is also an Orange.


It seems weird to ask it becuase at compile time they will fail if not the same.

不过 - 谁决定对类型

Still - who decide about the type ?

和第二次 - 如果我把它改为动态 - 上runtime-谁将会决定什么是T1类型应该是

And second - If i change it to dynamic - on runtime- who will decide what the T1 type should be ?



At a high level, method type inference works like this.

首先,我们做了一个列表中的所有的参数的 - 前pressions您提供 - 及其相应的形参类型的。

First we make a list of all the arguments -- the expressions you supply -- and their corresponding formal parameter type.


Let's look at a more interesting example than the one you give. Suppose we have

class Person {}
class Employee : Person {}
Person p = whatever;
Employee p2 = whatever;


and the same call. So we make the correspondences:

p  --> T1
p2 --> T1
5  --> T2


Then we make a list of what "bounds" are on each type parameter and whether they are "fixed". We have two type parameters, and we start with no upper, lower or exact bounds.

T1: (unfixed) upper { }  lower { }  exact { }
T2: (unfixed) upper { }  lower { }  exact { }


(Recall our recent discussion in another question about the relative sizes of types being based on whether or not a type was more or less restrictive; a type that is more restrictive is smaller than one that is less restrictive. Giraffe is smaller than Animal because more things are Animals than are Giraffes. The "upper" and "lower" bound sets are exactly that: the solution to the type inference problem for a given type parameter must be larger than or identical to every lower bound and smaller than or identical to every upper bound, and identical to every exact bound.)

然后我们看看每个参数及其相应的类型。 (如果参数lambda表达式那么我们会弄清楚的的中,我们看一下参数,但是你没有任何lambda表达式在这里让我们忽略的细节。)对于我们做每一个参数一个推断的为正式参数类型,并补充说,我们推断出关于推理的绑定集的事实。所以在看的第一个参数,我们推​​导出界:

Then we look at each argument and its corresponding type. (If the arguments are lambdas then we might have to figure out the order in which we look at arguments, but you don't have any lambdas here so let's ignore that detail.) For each argument we make an inference to the formal parameter type, and add the facts that we deduce about that inference to the bound set. So after looking at the first argument, we deduce the bounds:

T1: (unfixed) upper { }  lower { Person }  exact { }
T2: (unfixed) upper { }  lower { }  exact { }


After the second argument we deduce the bounds

T1: (unfixed) upper { }  lower { Person, Employee }  exact { }
T2: (unfixed) upper { }  lower { }  exact { }


After the third argument we deduce the bounds:

T1: (unfixed) upper { }  lower { Person, Employee }  exact { }
T2: (unfixed) upper { }  lower { int }  exact { }


After we have made as much progress as we can, we "fix" the bounds by finding the best type in the bounds set that satisfies every bound.

有关T1,有两种类型的边界设定,员工。是否有其中之一即满足每一个绑定在边界集?是。 员工不满足的约束,因为员工是一个型比小; 下限的 - 它意味着的人员没有类型小是合法的的。 确实满足所有的界限:<$​​ C $ C>人与和比员工大,所以它满足这两个边界。在边界的最佳类型设置满足每一个绑定的是T1的和T2显然是 INT ,因为只有一种类型在时间为T2设定的界限。因此,我们再解决这个类型参数:

For T1, there are two types in the bounds set, Person and Employee. Is there one of them that satisfies every bound in the bounds set? Yes. Employee does not satisfy the Person bound because Employee is a smaller type than Person; Person is a lower bound -- it means no type smaller than Person is legal. Person does satisfy all the bounds: Person is identical to Person and is larger than Employee, so it satisfies both bounds. The best type in the bounds set that satisfies every bound is for T1 is Person and for T2 obviously it is int because there is only one type in the bounds set for T2. So we then fix the type parameters:

T1: (fixed) Person
T2: (fixed) int


Then we ask "do we have a fixed bound for every type parameter?" and the answer is "yes", so type inference succeeds.



If any argument is dynamic then inference of T1 and T2 is deferred until runtime, at which point the semantic analyzer considers the most derived accessible runtime type of the value as the type for the lower bound supplied by the dynamic argument.


If this subject interest you and you want to learn more, there is a video of me explaining the C# 3 version of the algorithm here:



(C# 3 did not have upper bounds, only lower and exact bounds; other than that, the algorithms are pretty much the same.)


A number of articles I've written about type inference problems are here:



08-05 09:20