我在我的Google Apps Script项目中使用了doPost()函数回调。
I use doPost() function callbacks a lot in my Google Apps Script projects.
一直在寻找有关GAS webapps允许的最大大小的文档期待POST请求,无济于事。在限制和配额页面中,它提到了与URL提取相关的数据,我认为这些数据是指URL提取api调用,而不是传入的POST请求的有效负载。
Have rencently been looking for documentation regarding the max size to be admitted by GAS webapps expecting POST requests, to no avail. In the limits and quotas page, it mentions url fetch related data, which I presume refers to the URL fetch api calls, and not payloads of incoming POST request.
Anyone found info regarding this, has done tests, or can share any insight?
Thanks in advance.
在做了一些测试之后,我使用高达24MB的POST方法上传数据有效载荷,没有问题。达到了超过24MB的Max file size限制,但似乎与Drive相关,而不是GAS。
After doing some tests, I uploaded data payloads using POST methods of up to 24MB without issues. Reached a "Max file size" limit with sizes beyond 24mb, but seems related to Drive rather than GAS.