

本文介绍了我应该使用什么规格记录REST API的?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在寻找自动创建一个项目,我工作的REST API的文档。首先,水润()显示了一个有趣的想法设计Web的API。后来有同事建议我使用扬鞭2.0()为code发生器。然后,我意识到,这两种规格可以解决记录了REST API的同样的问题。

I've been looking for automatic creating the documentation for the REST API of a project I'm working on. First, Hydra (http://www.hydra-cg.com) shows up with an interesting idea for designing Web APIs. Later some colleagues recommend me to use Swagger 2.0 (http://swagger.io) as code generator. Then, I realise that both specifications can solve the same problem of documenting the REST API.


What are the downsides/benefits of using Hydra or Swagger specification?




Swagger is well established and supports a wide range of languages and frameworks. It doesn't force you to write the API in a specific style and it should be a better fit if you just want to document an existing API.


Hydra looks promising but has yet to be adopted by any standards organizations and the industry to make it a real standard. It's just an unofficial draft by a working groups for now. It also seems very new and provides only a few experimental tools for php and java, not ready for production. I'm not even sure if you can integrate the framework with an existing API without changing the API significantly.


As stated by inf3erno, Hydra is more focused on the original definition of REST services. On a first glance it seems to me that they are using principles similar to HATEOAS and try to formalize that technique using vocabularies. I think there is good reason to stay with the modern definition of REST services though and don't make development to complicated by adding HATEOAS or vocabularies.

这篇关于我应该使用什么规格记录REST API的?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 09:02