


this is a follow on question to this question. I now would like to do some counts on the groupings.


Original Query: that excluded invalid zip codes did the following:

  List<DataSourceRecord> md = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
        where (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rst.CallerZipCode) && rst.CallerZipCode.Length > 2)
        group rst by rst.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3) into newGroup
        orderby newGroup.Key
        select new DataSourceRecord()
          State = newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault(),
          ZipCode = newGroup.Where(z => z.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key)).Select(x => x.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3)).FirstOrDefault(),
          Calls = newGroup.Where(x => x.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key) && x.CALL_ID > 0).Distinct().GroupBy(g => new { g.CallerZipCode, g.CTR_ID, g.CALL_ID }).Count(),
          Exposures = newGroup.Where(x => x.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key) && x.CALL_ID > 0 && x.ExposureCount > 0).Distinct().GroupBy(x => new { x.CallerState, x.CTR_ID, x.CALL_ID }).Count()


New Example 1: Now with the new groupings including the invalid zip code groupings:

List<DataSourceRecord> newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
  group rst by GetGroupRepresentation(rst.CallerZipCode) into newGroup
  select new DataSourceRecord()
    State = newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault(),
    ZipCode = newGroup.Key,
    Calls = ???
    Exposures = ???


private string GetGroupRepresentation(string zipCode)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipCode) || zipCode.Length < 3)
        return "<null>";
    return zipCode.Substring(0,3);


New Example 2: I could also do the following I think:

List<DataSourceRecord> newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
  group rst by rst.CallerZipCode == null || rst.CallerZipCode.Trim().Length < 3 ? "<null>" : rst.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3) into newGroup
  select new DataSourceRecord()
    State = newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault(),
    ZipCode = newGroup.Key,
    Calls = ???
    Exposures = ???


I am trying to figure out what I need to change in the original query for the two counts for 'Calls' and 'Exposures' for the grouping in the new query. How and what is needed to accomplish this?



How to configure grouping with two or more properties. Is belwo

    newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
              group rst by GetGroupRepresentation(rst.CallerZipCode, rst.CallerState) into newGroup
              select new MapDataSourceRecord()
                State = ToTitleCase(newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault()),
                StateFIPS = FipsForStateCD(newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerStateCD).FirstOrDefault()),
                ZipCode = newGroup.Key[0],
                Calls = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0).Distinct().Count(),
                Exposures = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0 && x.EXPO_ID > 0).Distinct().Count(),
                InfoRequests = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0 && x.INFO_ID > 0).Distinct().Count(),
                Population = GetZipCode3Population(newGroup.Key[0])


    private string[] GetGroupRepresentation(string ZipCode, string State)
      string ZipResult;
      string StateResult;
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ZipCode) || ZipCode.Length < 3)
        ZipResult = "<null>";
        ZipResult = ZipCode.Substring(0, 3);

      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(State))
        StateResult = "<null>";
        StateResult = State;

      return  new string[]{ ZipResult, State };



First about the calls:

Calls = newGroup.Where(x => x.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key) && x.CALL_ID > 0).Distinct().GroupBy(g => new { g.CallerZipCode, g.CTR_ID, g.CALL_ID }).Count(),

据我了解,您希望该组在CALL_ID > 0处有不同的通话数量.我不明白为什么您要使用邮政编码,CTR_ID和CALL_ID创建新的网上论坛.如果我理解正确,那么曝光就非常相似.

As I understand, you want for the group the distinct number of calls where CALL_ID > 0. I don't understand why you create a new group with the zip code, the CTR_ID and the CALL_ID.If I have understood correctly, the Exposures are very similar.

List<DataSourceRecord> newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
  group rst by GetGroupRepresentation(rst.CallerZipCode) into newGroup
  select new DataSourceRecord()
    State = newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault(),
    ZipCode = newGroup.Key,
    Calls = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0).Select(x => x.CALL_ID).Distinct().Count(),
    Exposures = newGroup.Where(x => x.CALL_ID > 0 && x.ExposureCount > 0).Distinct().Count()


If you really want to group the calls/exposures meaning you want to count the unique combinations of (CTR_ID and CALL_ID / CallerState, CTR_ID and CALL_ID), you can of course do so.


08-05 09:00