

我正在使用 async / 等待来解雇几个 api 并行调用:

I'm using async/await to fire several api calls in parallel:

async function foo(arr) {
  const results = await Promise.all(arr.map(v => {
     return doAsyncThing(v)
  return results

我知道,不像循环 Promise.all (即等待结果部分)并行)。

I know that, unlike loops, Promise.all executes in-parallel (that is, the waiting-for-results portion is in parallel).


当我读到这个时,如果我 Promise.all 有5个承诺,并且第一个完成返回 reject(),然后其他4个被有效取消,其承诺的 resolve()值将丢失。

As I read this, if I Promise.all with 5 promises, and the first one to finish returns a reject(), then the other 4 are effectively cancelled and their promised resolve() values are lost.


Is there a third way? Where execution is effectively in-parallel, but a single failure doesn't spoil the whole bunch?


使用 catch 表示承诺结算(除非你抛出一个来自 catch 的异常或手动拒绝承诺链),因此您无需显式返回已解决的承诺IIUC。

Using catch means that the promise resolves (unless you throw an exception from the catch or manually reject the promise chain), so you do not need to explicitly return a resolved promise IIUC.

这意味着只需使用 catch 处理错误,就可以达到你想要的效果。

This means that simply by handling errors with catch you can achieve what you want.


If you want to standardize the way rejections are handled then you can apply a rejection handling function to all the promises.

async function bar() {
    await new Promise(r=> setTimeout(r, 1000))
      .then(()=> console.log('bar'))
      .then(()=> 'bar result');
async function bam() {
    await new Promise((ignore, reject)=> setTimeout(reject, 2000))
      .catch(()=> { console.log('bam errored'); throw 'bam'; });
async function bat() {
    await new Promise(r=> setTimeout(r, 3000))
      .then(()=> console.log('bat'))
      .then(()=> 'bat result');

function handleRejection(p) {
    return p.catch(err=> ({ error: err }));

async function foo(arr) {
  return await Promise.all([bar(), bam(), bat()].map(handleRejection));

foo().then(results=> console.log('done', results));


08-20 17:19