

我有一个SQL CE数据库,该数据库不受我的控制,它具有.格式的字段,并在列名中带有句点.列将始终是不同的,因此我不能具有强类型的数据字段.我的任务是将动态表数据显示到DataGrid中.

I have a SQL CE database, which is beyond my control, that has fields in the format of ., complete with a period in the column name. The columns will always be different, so I cannot have a strong-typed data field. I've been tasked with displaying dynamic table data into a DataGrid.


Normally, this would be easy -- auto-generate the columns and everything is cool. Easy example.


However, I'm not allowed to do this, since the '.' character in the column names nukes the binding.


Right now, I'm trying to add a layer of translation to the dataset (probably will have to maintain a dictionary with translations of . to _).


My question is -- is there a better way? I recall something a while back about being able to have a SourceColumnName in a DataTable, but I didn't see it. There's a "Caption," but I cannot bind to that...



. dot替换为\u2024

For alternative replace . dot with \u2024

如果您向Microsoft人员提出此问题,他们将告诉您(您的问题)是因为WPF DataGrid在存在数据源时支持子属性数据映射".因此,. dot尝试解析为数据表中包含的子对象.

If you put this question to Microsoft people, they will tell you that this (your problem) is because WPF DataGrid supports "sub properties data mapping" when there is a data source. For this reason, . dot tries to resolve to sub object contained in your DataTable.

在下一行中,他们会礼貌地要求您将列名中的. dot替换为_ Underscore.

In the next line they will politely ask you to replace your . dot to _ Underscore in column name.



But that's neither a solution nor an alternative.


替代.与\u2024在一起,这是 C/C ++/Java的unicode字符

For alternative replace . with \u2024 This is the unicode character for C/C++/Java



08-05 07:53