本文介绍了如何使用 Castle Core 或其他库(只是免费库)为横切关注点编写拦截器(AOP)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想要一个像这样的属性来处理横切关注点,比如 Logging , Exception , ...

I want to have an attribute like this for Cross Cutting Concerns like Logging , Exception , ...

public class MyService

[Log] // Interception (AOP)
[ExceptionHandler] // Interception (AOP)
public void DoSomething()


我知道我可以用 postsharp 编写这些代码,但我想用免费的库(如 Castle Core 和 ...

I know that I can write these codes with postsharp but I want to write these interceptions with free libraries like Castle Core and ...


Can anyone help me and write a sample for these purpose ???I need a very simple sample for learning concepts


Autofac 是一个免费的 IoC 容器.我使用 Autofac 和 Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy2 nuget, 文档.

Autofac is a free IoC container. I use Autofac with Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy2 nuget, docs.


Assuming you know why and when to (and not to) use interceptors, and you want to intercept some functionality:

public class FooService : IFooService
    public void MoreFoo()
    public void LessFoo()

它需要连线".我喜欢属性,因为您不需要在 IoC 容器接线中明确指定拦截器.您只需指定一个要注意的属性:

It needs to be "wired". I like attributes as you don't need to explicitly specify the interceptor at IoC container wiring. You just specify an attribute to watch out for:

public class FooService : IFooService { ... }


var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

然后在另一个文件中创建您的 Logger 拦截器:

Then create your Logger interceptor in another file:

class Logger : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) // implements the IInterceptor interface
        _loggerService.Log("calling " + invocation.Method.Name);
        _loggerService.Log("finished " + invocation.Method.Name);

如您所见,您可以创建计时器、try-catch 块等等.数据库上下文和其他一次性资源很有趣:

As you can see, you can create timers, try-catch blocks, and much more. Database context and other disposable resources is an interesting one:

class Logger : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) // implements the IInterceptor interface
        using (var someThing = new SomeResource())

通常对于这样的资源,您需要在方法中使用 someThing.这是另一个问题的主题!(请参阅 invocation.SetArgumentValue 或 invocation.TargetType.GetProperties() 以与封闭类进行通信.我对此不是 100% 满意,因此其他人的一些评论会有所帮助)

Usually with such a resource you need to use someThing inside your method. That's a topic for another question! (see invocation.SetArgumentValue or invocation.TargetType.GetProperties() to communicate to the enclosing class. I'm not 100% comfortable with this, so some comments from others would be helpful)


void ManageFoo()
    // sorry for the messy code, what else can I do?!
    _logger("more foo please");
    _logger("less foo please");
    _logger("enough foo");

ManageFoo 方法的实际关注点在所有混乱的日志记录中都消失了(添加安全性和其他问题,您最终可能会遇到大麻烦).

The actual concern of the ManageFoo method is lost in all the mess of logging (add security and other concerns and you can end up with a big mess).


Now you can rewrite it like this:

void ManageFoo()

这篇关于如何使用 Castle Core 或其他库(只是免费库)为横切关注点编写拦截器(AOP)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 07:33