




I have a directive that powers an HTML5 Canvas visualization. This directive has a wide array of methods to modify different parts of the visualization. The issue is that multiple controllers that have a different parent/child/sibling relationship need to communicate to this directive. Right now I have it wired this pretty awful way of emitting events up to the parent controller of the directive and then broadcasting them to the directive.


I have heard of using a service to do something like this, but nothing really explain why. I thought of using something like this:

angular.service('CanvasCommunication', function($rootScope) {
   this.canvasAction = function() { $rootScope.broadcast('canvasAction'); };


And then have listener in the canvas to actual execute that action. This service could be then injected into any controller that communicates with the canvas.

这样做的问题是,$ rootScope.broadcast()有糟糕的表现,我想,以确保该通信信道是建立在最有效的方式。

The issue with this is that $rootScope.broadcast() has terrible performance and I want to make sure this communication channel is built in the most efficient way.


Has anybody dealt with something like this and thought of something better?


我有同样的问题 - 需要的控制器与应用程序发送消息给对方,等在我的项目的交相辉映,不同的部分进行交互,我已经实现了一个MessageService。这里有一个(但说实话绰绰有余)的一个非常基本的版本:

I've had the same issue - controllers needing to interact with each other, different parts of the app sending messages to each other, etc. In my projects, I've implemented a MessageService. Here's a very basic version of one (but honestly more than sufficient):

  function() {
    var MessageService = {};

    var listeners = {};
    var count = 0;
    MessageService.registerListener = function(listener) {
      listeners[count] = listener;

      return (function(currentCount) {
        return function() {
          delete listeners[currentCount];

    MessageService.broadcastMessage = function(message) {
      var keys = Object.keys(listeners);

      for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {

    return MessageService;

您可能希望有特定对象注册的侦听器,并通过主题过滤消息,还是不行。矿还排队在邮件主题,直到他们被清除,以使这些信息可以被看作当一个新的视图负载(以一对恩。成功 - 已保存的文件与页面变化)。

You might want to have listeners registered for particular subjects, and filter messages by subject, or not. Mine also queue messages on subjects until they're cleared, so that the messages can be viewed when a new view loads (in order to pair for ex. 'Success - Saved file' with a page change).


08-05 07:05