本文介绍了更新父/子记录与ASP.Net MVC模型粘合剂的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have modified the Nerd Dinner application to allow editing of child records by adding the following code to the DinnerForm.ascx

    <%int i = 0;
   foreach (NerdDinner.Models.RSVP rsvp in this.Model.Dinner.RSVPs)
       { %>

        <%= Html.Hidden("Dinner.RSVPs[" + i + "].RsvpID", rsvp.RsvpID)%>
        <%= Html.Hidden("Dinner.RSVPs[" + i + "].DinnerID", rsvp.DinnerID)%>
        <%= Html.TextBox("Dinner.RSVPs[" + i + "].AttendeeName", rsvp.AttendeeName)%>
    <% i += 1;
   } %>


    <input id="Dinner_RSVPs[0]_RsvpID" name="Dinner.RSVPs[0].RsvpID" type="hidden" value="36" />
        <input id="Dinner_RSVPs[0]_DinnerID" name="Dinner.RSVPs[0].DinnerID" type="hidden" value="63" />
        <input id="Dinner_RSVPs[0]_AttendeeName" name="Dinner.RSVPs[0].AttendeeName" type="text" value="kp" />
    <input id="Dinner_RSVPs[1]_RsvpID" name="Dinner.RSVPs[1].RsvpID" type="hidden" value="37" />
        <input id="Dinner_RSVPs[1]_DinnerID" name="Dinner.RSVPs[1].DinnerID" type="hidden" value="63" />
        <input id="Dinner_RSVPs[1]_AttendeeName" name="Dinner.RSVPs[1].AttendeeName" type="text" value="jim" />



I have not modified the DinnersControler's Post Edit Action method. The Parent dinner is getting updated as usual, but it appears the UpdateModel(dinner); is not seeing/updating the child RSVP records.


I have tried a few variations on rendering the child records so that the Model binders will see the collection, with no luck.


Is updating parent/child records in one shot by calling UpdateModel(Parent); possible with the current model binders?



I haven't been able to do this myself.

我知道,你可以更新一个子元素,即Dinner.RSV自动。我从来没有见过更新孩子枚举,这需要结合知道哪个属性是ID,并寻找它(即Dinner.RSVP.Where(R => r.RSVP_ID == input_id),然后是能力更新)。我不知道有足够的了解自定义绑定到做这样的事情。

I know that you can update a single child element, ie, Dinner.RSV automatically. I've never seen the ability to update a child enumerable, which would require the binding to know which property is the ID and look for it (ie, Dinner.RSVP.Where(r => r.RSVP_ID == input_id) and then update that). I don't know enough about custom binding to do something like that.


However, what I have done is to do a loop and specify the rsvp and the int as a prefix:


UpdateModel("Dinner", Dinner);


int i = 0;

foreach (var r in Dinner.RSVPs) {
  UpdateModel(r, "Dinner.RSVPs[" + i++ + "]");


Not quite as clean, but it works well for me. It might take a bit more effort to build in validation, though (you want to validate all at the same time, and make sure you don't jump back to the view on the first RSVP with an error).

修改:修正了code,以反映OP的解决方案,包括在我的参数顺序的错误。有了这样说,我是更舒适的使用比正在运行的整数RSVP.ID财产。只要你知道Dinner.RSVPs将在POST为得到相同的(我在我的code自信这一点),然后使用RSVP.ID会工作。应该回函是不同的,那么只有那些在$均P $ psent将得到更新。然而,使用连续的INT有可能导致错误的对象被更新。

EDIT: Fixed the code to reflect the OP's solution, including a bug in my parameter order. With that being said, I'm more comfortable using the RSVP.ID property than a running integer. As long as you know that Dinner.RSVPs will be the same on the POST as the GET (I'm confident of this in my code), then using the RSVP.ID will work. Should RSVPs be different, then only those present on both will get updated. However, using the sequential int could potentially cause the wrong object to be updated.


Hope that helps,James

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08-05 07:03