本文介绍了x86 cpu有什么样的地址指令?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I learned about one address, two address, and three address instruction, but now I'd like to know, what kind of address instruction does x86 use?


x86是一台CISC寄存器机器,其中使用<$>之类的寻址模式,一条指令的最多1个操作数可以是显式存储器地址而不是寄存器。 c $ c> [rdi + rax * 4] 。 (尽管有些指令可以具有2个内存操作数,但其中一个或两个都是隐式的:)

x86 is a CISC register machine, where at most 1 operand for any instruction can be an explicit memory address instead of a register, using an addressing mode like [rdi + rax*4]. (There are instruction which can have 2 memory operands with one or both being implicit, though: What x86 instructions take two (or more) memory operands?)

典型的x86整数指令有2个操作数,都显式,例如 ,它执行 eax + = edx

和一些真正的1操作数ALU指令(无其他隐式操作数) ),例如 inc / dec neg 不是,它们是隐式1的加/减,0的sub或-1的XOR(有些具有不同的FLAGS语义)的快捷方式。还有 bswap 。同样,隐式计数为1的shift / rotate指令基本上是1操作数,有些汇编程序的确允许您编写 shr%eax

And some truly 1-operand ALU instructions (no implicit other operand) like inc/dec, neg, not which are shortcuts for add/sub of implicit 1, or sub from 0, or XOR with -1 (some with different FLAGS semantics). And there's bswap. Also the shift/rotate instructions with an implicit 1 count are basically 1-operand, and some assemblers do let you write shr %eax.

旧版x87 FP代码在x87堆栈中使用1-操作数指令,例如 faddp st1 ,其中x87堆栈的顶部( st0 )是一个隐式操作数。 SSE2是x86-64的基线,因此不再被广泛使用。

Legacy x87 FP code uses 1-operand instructions with the x87 stack, like faddp st1 where the top of the x87 stack (st0) is an implicit operand. SSE2 is baseline for x86-64, so it's no longer widely used.

现代FP代码使用SSE / SSE2 2操作数指令,例如 addsd xmm0,xmm1 或3种操作数的AVX编码,例如 vaddsd xmm2,xmm0,xmm1

Modern FP code uses SSE/SSE2 2-operand instructions like addsd xmm0,xmm1 or 3-operand AVX encodings like vaddsd xmm2, xmm0, xmm1


There are x86 instructions with 0, 1, 2, 3, and even 4 explicit operands.

有多种指令格式,但是显式的reg / memory操作数通常在操作码字节之后的ModR / M字节中编码。它具有3个字段:

There are multiple instruction formats, but explicit reg/memory operands are normally encoded in a ModR/M byte that follows the opcode byte(s). It has 3 fields:

  • r / m操作数的2位模式(直接注册 reg ,间接注册 [reg] [reg + disp8] [ reg + disp32] )。带位移位的模式表示这些字节紧随ModR / M字节。

  • 3位r / m字段(用于寄存器的直接或间接寄存器号,也可以是转义码)这意味着ModRM之后有一个标度/索引/基本SIB字节,可以为r / m操作数编码标度索引寻址模式。有关特殊情况的详细信息,请参见

  • 3位reg字段,始终是一个寄存器号。 (或者以单操作数或 r / m,立即的说明,,例如用于移位/旋转选择哪种操作。)

  • 2-bit Mode for the r/m operand (register direct reg, register indirect [reg], [reg+disp8], [reg+disp32]). The modes with displacement bits signal that those bytes follow the ModR/M byte.
  • 3-bit r/m field (the register number for register direct or indirect, or can be an escape code that means there's a Scale/Index/Base SIB byte after ModRM which can encode scaled-index addressing modes for the r/m operand). See rbp not allowed as SIB base? for the details of the special cases / escape codes.
  • 3-bit reg field, always a register number. (Or in one-operand or r/m, immediate instructions, used as extra opcode bits, e.g. for shifts/rotates selects which kind.)

大多数指令至少有两种编码可用:reg /内存目标或reg /内存源。如果要使用的操作数都是寄存器,则可以使用任一操作码,添加r / m32,r32 添加r32,r / m32 。 (某些汇编器。理论上,汇编器/

Most instructions are available in at least 2 encodings, reg/memory destination or reg/memory source. If the operands you want are both registers, you can use either opcode, either the add r/m32, r32 or add r32, r/m32. (Some assemblers have syntax to let you select the non-default encoding. In theory an assembler / compiler could use these choices as a watermark to show which tool produced it.)

通用指令还具有用于立即源格式的其他操作码,但是通常它们使用<$ c ModR / M中的$ c> reg 字段作为额外的操作码位,因此您仍然只能获得2个操作数,例如 add eax,123 。例外情况是 imul 的立即数加上186,例如。它没有与其他立即指令共享编码空间,而是在操作码所隐含的ModR / M plus 中具有寄存器dst和ar / m源。

Common instructions also have other opcodes for immediate source forms, but typically they use the reg field in ModR/M as extra opcode bits, so you still only get 2 operands like add eax, 123. An exception to this is the immediate form of imul added with 186, e.g. imul eax, [rdi + rbx*4], 12345. Instead of sharing coding space with other immediate instructions, it has a register dst and a r/m source in ModR/M plus the immediate operand implied by the opcode.

某些单操作数指令使用相同的技巧,将 reg 字段用作额外的操作码位,但没有立即数。例如 ne r / m32 不是r / m32 inc r / m32 shl / shr /旋转编码,其隐式偏移1(而不是 cl 或立即数)。因此很遗憾,您不能复制和移位(直到BMI2)。

Some one-operand instructions use the same trick of using the reg field as extra opcode bits, but without an immediate. e.g. neg r/m32, not r/m32, inc r/m32, or the shl/shr/rotate encodings that shift by an implicit 1 (not by cl or an immediate). So unfortunately you can't copy-and-shift (until BMI2).

有一些特殊情况下的编码可以提高代码密度,例如 push rax / push rdx reg 字段打包到操作码字节的低3位。在16/32位模式下,任何寄存器的 inc / dec 的一字节编码。但是在64位模式下,这些 0x4?代码用作REX前缀,以扩展 reg r / m 字段可提供16个体系结构寄存器。

There are some special-case encodings to improve code density, like single-byte encodings for push rax/push rdx that pack the reg field into the low 3 bits of the opcode byte. And in 16/32-bit mode, one-byte encodings for inc/dec any register. But in 64-bit mode those 0x4? codes are used as REX prefixes to extend the reg and r/m fields to provide 16 architectural registers.

有还包含一些或所有隐式操作数的指令,例如 movsb ,它将一个字节从 [rsi] 复制到 [rdi] ,并且可以与 rep 前缀一起使用以重复该 rcx 次。

There are also instructions with some or all implicit operands, like movsb which copies a byte from [rsi] to [rdi], and can be used with a rep prefix to repeat that rcx times.

mul ecx 执行 edx:eax = eax * ecx 。一个显式源操作数,一个隐式源和2个隐式目标寄存器。 div / idiv 与此相似。

Or mul ecx does edx:eax = eax * ecx. One explicit source operand, one implicit source, and 2 implicit destination registers. div/idiv are similar.

带有at的指令至少1个显式reg / mem操作数对其使用ModR / M编码,但显式操作数为零的指令(例如 movsb 或)没有ModR / M字节。他们只是有操作码。某些指令根本没有操作数,甚至没有隐式操作,像 mfence

Instructions with at least 1 explicit reg/mem operand use a ModR/M encoding for it, but instructions with zero explicit operands (like movsb or cdq) have no ModR/M byte. They just have the opcode. Some instructions have no operands at all, not even implicit, like mfence.

不能通过ModR / M发出立即操作数,只能通过操作码本身发出信号,因此有自己的操作码。隐式目标(位于 [rsp] 的内存,并且RSP本身已更新为 rsp- = 8 )。

Immediate operands can't be signalled through ModR/M, only by the opcode itself, so push imm32 or push imm8 have their own opcodes. The implicit destinations (memory at [rsp], and RSP itself being updated to rsp-=8).

LEA是一种变通方法,可提供x86 3操作数的移位和添加,例如 lea eax,[rdi + rdi * 2 + 123] 在一条指令中执行 eax = rdi * 3 + 123 。参见或 vaddps ymm0,ymm1,[rsi] 。 (对于许多指令,第二个源是可选的内存,但对于某些指令,它是第一个源。)

VEX prefixes (introduced with AVX) provide 3-operand instructions like bzhi eax, [rsi], edx or vaddps ymm0, ymm1, [rsi]. (For many instructions, the 2nd source is the one that's optionally memory, but for some it's the first source.)


The 3rd operand is encoded in the 2 or 3-byte VEX prefix.


There are a few 3-operand non-VEX instructions, such as SSE4.1 variable blends like vpblendvb xmm1, xmm2/m128, <XMM0> where XMM0 is an implicit operand using that register.

AVX版本使其具有非破坏性(带有单独的目标e在VEX前缀中进行n编码),使混合控制操作数显式(在1字节立即数的高4位中进行编码)。 这为我们提供了一个包含4个显式操作数的指令, VPBLENDVB xmm1,xmm2,xmm3 / m128,xmm4

The AVX version makes it non-destructive (with a separate destination encoded in the VEX prefix), and makes the blend-control operand explicit (encoded in the high 4 bits of a 1-byte immediate). This gives us an instruction with 4 explicit operands, VPBLENDVB xmm1, xmm2, xmm3/m128, xmm4.


x86 is pretty wild and has been extended many times, but typical integer code uses mostly 2-operand instructions, with a good amount of LEA thrown in to save instructions.

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08-29 05:35