I have a data grid view in one windows form named "GridViewForm". When the user search for the text from the search box from another window form named "FindForm", I want to highlight all the matching result in the data grid view. The search type can be exact or partial.
If the user search for the text "stack", then the words "stack" from [Stack, stack-over, stacks, stack exchange] should be highlighted and first cell that match the query should be selected. When the user press next button then another cell that match the search query should be selected.
My code for finding the text is like follow for it search only the exact word.
Dim gridRow As Integer = 0
Dim gridColumn As Integer = 0
For Each Row As DataGridViewRow In AccountsDataGridView.Rows
For Each column As DataGridViewColumn In AccountsDataGridView.Columns
If TryCastString(AccountsDataGridView.Rows(gridRow).Cells(gridColumn).Value).ToLower = SearchTextBox.Text.ToLower Then
'AccountsDataGridView.Rows(intcount).Cells(0).Value = "0"
MsgBox("FOUND") 'Should be highlight insted of showing message and the cell should be select.
End If
gridColumn += 1
Next column
gridColumn = 0
gridRow += 1
Next Row
Is there any way to implement my concept? I am using vb.net windows form. Thanks in advance.
Well you could set the cell's background color with a different color to highlight all the matches, and select only the cell corresponding to the current match:
Dim searchIndex = 0
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In AccountsDataGridView.Rows
For each cell As DataGridViewCell in row.Cells
If CStr(cell.Value).Contains(SearchTextBox.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
If searchIndex = m_CurrentSearchIndex Then
'This is the cell we want to select
cell.Selected = True
End If
'Yellow background for all matches
cell.Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow
searchIndex += 1
End If
If m_CurrentSearchIndex has a value of 0, it would select the first match, second match for a value of 1, etc.