

本文介绍了PlayFramework:Ajax + Drag n' Drop + File Upload +控制器中的文件对象?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有谁知道通过 Ajax 上传文件并使用从桌面拖放支持 PlayFramework 将文件上传转换为 File 对象的能力的方法?

Does anyone know of a way to upload a file via Ajax and using drag n' drop from the desktop that supports PlayFramework's ability to convert file uploads to a File object?


I've tried several different methods, and nothing works correctly.




POST    /upload                                 Application.upload


Our controller is Application, I'll be using it to keep it simple.


public static void upload(String qqfile) {

if (request.isNew) {

    FileOutputStream moveTo = null;

    Logger.info("Name of the file %s", qqfile);
    // Another way I used to grab the name of the file
    String filename = request.headers.get("x-file-name").value();

    Logger.info("Absolute on where to send %s", Play.getFile("").getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "uploads" + File.separator);
    try {

        InputStream data = request.body;

        moveTo = new FileOutputStream(new File(Play.getFile("").getAbsolutePath()) + File.separator + "uploads" + File.separator + filename);
        IOUtils.copy(data, moveTo);

    } catch (Exception ex) {

        // catch file exception
        // catch IO Exception later on
        renderJSON("{success: false}");


renderJSON("{success: true}");

在 app/views/Application 文件夹/包中编辑您的 Application.html

#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'Multiple Uploads' /}

<div id="file-uploader">
        <p>Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p>
        <!-- or put a simple form for upload here -->

        function createUploader(){
            var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
                element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'),
                action: '/upload',
                debug: true

        // in your app create uploader as soon as the DOM is ready
        // don't wait for the window to load
        window.onload = createUploader;

编辑您的主布局:main.html,位于 app/views 文件夹/包中,并在 jQuery 之后添加这一行

<script src="@{'/public/javascripts/client/fileuploader.js'}" type="text/javascript"></script>

结语记得从 AJAX Upload Valums 下载脚本,尽情享受吧!

Final notesRemember to download the script from AJAX Upload Valums, enjoy!


我在不同的浏览器中对其进行了测试,它至少对我有用.归功于 Riyad in Play!向我暗示 request.body

I tested it in different browsers it works for me at least. Credits to Riyad in Play! mailing list who hinted me about the request.body


P.S: I'm using the one I posted as a comment before

编辑已按照 T.J. 的指示添加了带有代码的答案.克劳德,我同意:)

EditThe answer with code has been added as directed by T.J. Crowder, I agree :)

这篇关于PlayFramework:Ajax + Drag n' Drop + File Upload +控制器中的文件对象?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 05:47