

本文介绍了将文件拖放到标准 html 文件输入中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这些天我们可以拖动 &将文件放到一个特殊的容器中,然后使用 XHR 2 上传它们.一次很多.带有实时进度条等.非常酷的东西.此处为示例.

These days we can drag & drop files into a special container and upload them with XHR 2. Many at a time. With live progress bars etc. Very cool stuff. Example here.

但有时我们并不想要那么酷.我想要的是拖动 &将文件(一次很多)放入标准 HTML 文件输入:<input type=file multiple>.

But sometimes we don't want that much coolness. What I'd like is to drag & drop files -- many at a time -- into a standard HTML file input: <input type=file multiple>.


Is that possible? Is there some way to 'fill' the file input with the right filenames (?) from the file drop? (Full filepaths aren't available for file system security reasons.)

为什么?因为我想提交一个普通的表单.适用于所有浏览器和所有设备.拖曳&drop 只是渐进式增强来增强 &简化用户体验.带有标准文件输入的标准表单(+ multiple 属性)将在那里.我想添加 HTML5 增强功能.

Why? Because I'd like to submit a normal form. For all browsers and all devices. The drag & drop is just progressive enhancement to enhance & simplify UX. The standard form with standard file input (+ multiple attribute) will be there. I'd like to add the HTML5 enhancement.

我知道在 一些 浏览器中,您可以有时(几乎总是)将文件放入文件输入本身.我知道 Chrome 通常会这样做,但有时它会失败,然后将文件加载到当前页面中(如果你正在填写表格,那就大失败了).我想愚弄-&浏览器证明它.

I know in some browsers you can sometimes (almost always) drop files into the file input itself. I know Chrome usually does this, but sometimes it fails and then loads the file in the current page (a big fail if you're filling out a form). I want to fool- & browserproof it.


以下在 Chrome 和 FF 中有效,但我还没有找到涵盖 IE10+ 的解决方案:

The following works in Chrome and FF, but i've yet to find a solution that covers IE10+ as well:

// dragover and dragenter events need to have 'preventDefault' called
// in order for the 'drop' event to register.
// See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Drag_operations#droptargets
dropContainer.ondragover = dropContainer.ondragenter = function(evt) {

dropContainer.ondrop = function(evt) {
  // pretty simple -- but not for IE :(
  fileInput.files = evt.dataTransfer.files;

  // If you want to use some of the dropped files
  const dT = new DataTransfer();
  fileInput.files = dT.files;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="dropContainer" style="border:1px solid black;height:100px;">
   Drop Here
  Should update here:
  <input type="file" id="fileInput" />

您可能希望使用 addEventListener 或 jQuery(等)来注册您的 evt 处理程序 - 这只是为了简洁起见.

You'll probably want to use addEventListener or jQuery (etc.) to register your evt handlers - this is just for brevity's sake.

这篇关于将文件拖放到标准 html 文件输入中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 05:47