本文介绍了CFHTTP问题SSL - 关闭cfhttp的安全?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在尝试让这个请求工作很有趣。我一直在做一个< cfhttp method =get...> 请求Facebook一段时间没有问题。该请求抓取一个RSS源,以便我们可以在我们的网站上显示它。不幸的是,有人最近注意到它停止工作。我唯一能想到的可能是导致的问题是在我的系统中的URL是 http://www.facebook.com ... ,但正在重定向( https://www.facebook.com ... )。

I've been having a pretty fun time trying to get this request to work. I've been doing a <cfhttp method="get"...> request to Facebook for some time without a problem. The request grabs an RSS feed so we can display it on our site. Unfortunately, someone recently noticed it stopped working. The only thing I can think of that could be causing the problem is the URL in my system is http://www.facebook.com..., but is being redirected to secure (https://www.facebook.com...).


So I've tried installing the cert as is posted all over the "internets"...no dice. I've tried installing into ColdFusion, our webserver and the Java installation on which ColdFusion sits.

有没有办法告诉ColdFusion我不在乎它是一个安全请求和只是处理它吗? Facebook不在乎,我知道我在做什么,所以为什么ColdFusion会阻止我做我想做的事情?这不是我遇到的唯一的时间,但我通常不需要做安全的请求,并做别的事情。

Is there any way to just tell ColdFusion that I don't care it's a secure request and to just process it anyways? Facebook doesn't care, and I know what I'm doing, so why should ColdFusion block me from doing what I want to do? This isn't the only time I've run into this, but I've usually not needed to make the secure request and done something else instead.


---Edit#1: I know this has to be a secure request. I just would like to know if there is some way to tell ColdFusion or Java that I don't want it to prevent the connection to the secure site.

ColdFusion 8企业,安装在Solaris服务器上,使用Java JDK 1.6.0_12(只有在此环境中与Verity一起使用的版本)。

ColdFusion 8 Enterprise, installed on a Solaris server, with Java JDK 1.6.0_12 (only version that works with Verity in this environment).


---Edit#2: The question is apparently very unclear. Sorry.Is it possible to temporarily disable the need for a cert to be installed for the request to be made to a secure URL?Pseudocode:

  • 关闭ColdFusion(或Java)证书检查

  • 请求安全网站(例如< cfhttp url =https://www.facebook.com/feeds/page.php?format=rss20&id=12341234123412method =get/> ;

  • 打开ColdFusion证书检查未来的请求


您需要将更新的根证书更新为更新的版本我们建议您尝试JRE 1.6.0_45:

You need to update your JVM to a newer version with updated root certificates as the SSL certificate that Facebook is using is more than likely based on a newer root certificate and your system is not recognising it. I would suggest you try JRE 1.6.0_45:


Also, it is not recommended using the JDK in a production environment, you should be using the server JRE.

这篇关于CFHTTP问题SSL - 关闭cfhttp的安全?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 05:27