

Pool 中找不到关于并发选项的太多信息。

I have not found much information about concurrency option in Pool.


If this is a number of TCP sockets which could be opened on server, then the question is "What number of concurrency could I use in order to handle requests quicker?".


    // I am using Laravel, this is basically retrieving entities from DB
    $exchangers = Exchanger::all();

    $client = new Guzzlelient();

    $requests = [];
    foreach ($exchangers as $exchanger)
        $requests[$exchanger->id] = new Request('GET', $exchanger->xml_feed_url);

    $pool = new Pool($client, $requests, [
        'concurrency' => 5,
        'options' => [
            'verify' => false
        'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) {
            echo "fulfilled: " . $index."\n";
        'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) {
            echo "rejected: " . $index. "\n";

    // Initiate the transfers and create a promise
    $promise = $pool->promise();

    // Force the pool of requests to complete.

在大约20个站点上并发设置为5,花费了大约10秒钟。现在我在想,好吧,这是套接字的数量。套接字〜端口。我有65535个端口。很酷,为什么不将并发设置为50,我应该在一秒钟左右的时间内得到所有结果?。很好,我将其设置为50,并且...花了8秒。但是一个小时前的结果是18秒vs 24(50个并发,所以它甚至更慢)。

It took about 10 seconds to go over ~20 sites with concurrency set to 5.Now I'm thinking like, "Okay, this is number of sockets. Sockets ~ Ports. I have 65535 ports. Cool, why not set concurrency 50 and I should get all results in a second or so?". Nice, I set it to 50 and... it took 8 seconds. However an hour ago the results were like 18 seconds vs 24 (for 50 concurrency, so it's even slower).


  1. 如何确定我可以使用哪种并发来优化流程并使其尽可能快地完成?

  2. 无论如何,并发是什么?



It's what you'd expect it to be. You send X concurrent requests but only concurrency requests are sent at the same time. Whenever a request finishes then another one is queued (source code)


private function refillPending()
    if (!$this->concurrency) {
        // Add all pending promises.
        while ($this->addPending() && $this->advanceIterator());
    // Add only up to N pending promises.
    $concurrency = is_callable($this->concurrency)
        ? call_user_func($this->concurrency, count($this->pending))
        : $this->concurrency;
    $concurrency = max($concurrency - count($this->pending), 0);
    // Concurrency may be set to 0 to disallow new promises.
    if (!$concurrency) {
    // Add the first pending promise.
    // Note this is special handling for concurrency=1 so that we do
    // not advance the iterator after adding the first promise. This
    // helps work around issues with generators that might not have the
    // next value to yield until promise callbacks are called.
    while (--$concurrency
        && $this->advanceIterator()
        && $this->addPending());


This method is called every time a request finishes (function step is set to be called after every success of failiure callback).


However as a general rule more does not always mean better because you might hit other limits elsewhere like OS sockets or ISP rate limiting or remote server rate limiting (if all requests go to the same server). In most cases the optimal value is found via trial and error.


08-05 04:52