

我在一个较小的Intranet中使用了Plone 4.3,搜索过程使我感到很烦.实时搜索工作正常,但按Enter键时,搜索将显示不同的结果.可以通过在文本末尾添加""来获得结果,然后显示与实时搜索相同的结果.所以我问,是否有可能在pushin输入键时自动插入""以达到与livesearch相同的结果?

I'm using Plone 4.3 in a little intranet and the search fiel makes me feel annoying.Live search works fine but when you push enter, the search shows different results. The results can be obtained by adding a "" top the end of the text and then it shows the same results as livesearch.So I ask, is ti possible to insert automatically a "" when pushin enter key in order to achieve the same results as livesearch?



pd: my english is not very good, sorry



As live search is displaying results as the user is entering letters, it makes sense to perform a query for all words starting with the current term (for instance if you have entered "car", you get results containing the word "car" but also "careful", because we cannot tell yet if you have finished typing letters).In the advanced search, when you search for "car", the system knows you rae interested in results about "car", not about "careful".So that's why the 2 searches work differently.


And Plone assumes that when we press Enter in the livesearch, we have finished entering the word we are looking for, so it redirects to the advanced search page using the exact search term we have entered.

它是在搜索框视图中实现的,您可以在plone.app.layout/plone/app/layout/viewlets/searchbox.pt中找到代码,并且可以看到,它是一种非常基本的形式,将"SearchableText"输入提交到"@@ search".

It is implemented in the searchbox viewlet, you will find the code in plone.app.layout/plone/app/layout/viewlets/searchbox.pt, and as you can see it is a very basic form submitting the "SearchableText" input to "@@search".


To me, the easiest way to customize it is to add a small JS like this somewhere in your skin:

$('#portal-searchbox form').submit(function(e) {
    var input = $('#portal-searchbox input[name="SearchableText"]');
    input.val(input.val() + '*');


08-14 10:51