

本文介绍了Java - 带有空格和双引号的ProcessBuilder命令参数失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm using ProcessBuilder to run a Windows executable...the exact command I need to run is :

"C:\Program Files\CCBU\CCBU.exe" -d"C:\My Data\projects\ccbu\ciccb-report.xls" -tf"C:\Program Files\CCBU\loss-billing-filters.txt"


If I run the above command from a command prompt, it works fine.

如果我然后发出命令和参数,如下面的StackOverflow帖子所示()作为String []数组失败,因为目录路径中的空格以某种方式破坏了参数CCBU.exe可执行文件:

If I then issue the command and arguments as indicated in the following StackOverflow post (ProcessBuilder adds extra quotes to command line) as a String [] array it fails, as the spaces in the directory paths break the arguments somehow to the CCBU.exe executable :

2015-08-31 10:39:08,937 [main] INFO  rpd.primary - C:\Program Files\CCBU\CCBU.exe
logging to the given report's directory
Configuration file is: ./CCBUConfigFile.txt
Running with the following settings:
Report Filepath:       C:\My
Search Terms FilePath: C:\Program

2015-08-31 10:39:08,948 [main] INFO  rpd.primary - STDERR:--------------------
2015-08-31 10:39:08,961 [main] INFO  rpd.primary -
Warning: parameter Data\projects\ccbu\ciccb-report.xls not recognized. Ignoring

Warning: parameter Files\CCBU\loss-billing-filters.txt not recognized. Ignoring

Error: C:\Program not found or not readable


If I move the data files and the filters to a directory path with no spaces this works fine :

"C:\Program Files\CCBU\CCBU.exe" -d"C:\Users\n0002501\ccbu\ciccb-report.xls" -tf"C:\Users\n0002501\ccbu\loss-billing-filters.txt"


The issue is, the users of this process will be placing files in folders (directories) that DO have spaces. So somehow I have to get it working with spaces. I'm thinking it's something simple, but what am I missing?


I'm using the Classes from this posting to handle the Threads for STDOUT and STDERR : http://alvinalexander.com/java/java-exec-processbuilder-process-2


            // Split the Arguments :
            // In Eclipse and runtime, the arguments get broken :
            // The STDOUT from the command shows the Report Filepath
            // and Search Teams FilePath as broken at the 1st space...
            // Report Filepath:       C:\My
            // Search Terms FilePath: C:\Program
            // SHOULD BE :
            // Report Filepath:       C:\My Data\projects\ccbu\ciccb-report.xls
            // Search Terms FilePath: C:\Program Files\CCBU\loss-billing-filters.txt
            try {
                commands.add ( "\"C:\\Program Files\\CCBU\\CCBU.exe\""                      );
                commands.add ( "-d\"C:\\My Data\\projects\\ccbu\\ciccb-report.xls\""        );
                commands.add ( "-tf\"C:\\Program Files\\CCBU\\loss-billing-filters.txt\""   );
                commandExecutor = new SystemCommandExecutor(commands);
                commandExecutor.setLog ( getLog() );

                // DEBUG : Build and printout the commands...
                lstrCommand = "";
                for ( int theIdx=0; theIdx<commands.size (); theIdx++ ) {
                    if ( theIdx == 0 ) {
                        lstrCommand = lstrCommand + commands.get ( theIdx );
                    else {
                        lstrCommand = lstrCommand + " " + commands.get ( theIdx );
                    getLog().debug ( SHORT_NAME + " Building Command[] [" + commands.get ( theIdx ) + "]" );

                getLog().debug ( SHORT_NAME + " Running Command[] [" + lstrCommand + "]" );

                result = commandExecutor.executeCommand();

                // get the stdout and stderr from the command that was run
                stdout = commandExecutor.getStandardOutputFromCommand();
                stderr = commandExecutor.getStandardErrorFromCommand();

                // print the stdout and stderr
                getLog().info ( "SystemCommandExecutor - Status Code [" + result + "]" );
                getLog().info ( "STDOUT:--------------------" );
                getLog().info( stdout );
                getLog().info ( "STDERR:--------------------" );
                getLog().info( stderr );
            catch ( Exception ltheXcp ) {
                getLog().error ( SHORT_NAME + ".runTask () - Error/exception on commands [3-spaces] [" + lstrCommand + "]" );
            finally {
                commands.clear ();
                stdout = null;
                stderr = null;
                commandExecutor = null;


Jayan, The final code that works :

            try {
                commands.add ( "C:\\Program Files\\CCBU\\CCBU.exe"                      );
                commands.add ( "-dC:\\My Data\\projects\\ccbu\\ciccb-report.xls"        );
                commands.add ( "-tfC:\\Program Files\\CCBU\\loss-billing-filters.txt"   );

                commandExecutor = new SystemCommandExecutor ( commands );
                commandExecutor.setLog ( getLog() );


All I had to do is take out all the double-quotes and let ProcessBuilder handle the directory paths on it's own...




Add individual strings without "double" quotes..

                commands.add ( "C:\\Program Files\\CCBU\\CCBU.exe"                      );
                commands.add ( "-d");
                commands.add ("C:\\My Data\\projects\\ccbu\\ciccb-report.xls"        );
                commands.add ( "-tf");
                commands.add("C:\\Program Files\\CCBU\\loss-billing-filters.txt"   );
                commandExecutor = new SystemCommandExecutor(commands);


ProcessBuilder will take care of necessary handling of args.


 commands.add ( "-dC:\\My Data\\projects\\ccbu\\ciccb-report.xls" );
 commands.add ( "-tfC:\\Program Files\\CCBU\\loss-billing-filters.txt"

); - lincolnadym

); – lincolnadym

这篇关于Java - 带有空格和双引号的ProcessBuilder命令参数失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 03:58