本文介绍了Xcode智能感知彩色框中字母的含义,如f,T,C,M,P,C,K,#等的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 最近,我开始使用Xcode 4开发iOS应用程序。Recently, I have started using Xcode 4 for developing iOS apps.在Xcode intellisense的自动完成框中,每个建议之前都有一些彩色框中的字母。我知道它们代表我们正在输入的单词的属性,如f,T,C,M,P,C,K,#等。In Xcode intellisense's autocomplete box, there are some letters in colored boxes before every suggestion. I know that they represent the property of the word we are typing like f,T,C,M,P,C,K,# etc. f,C,T,#的含义是可以理解的(函数,类等)但是有许多其他我不知道的。我认为这些字母是所有IDE的标准,如Visual Studio,Netbeans等。如果我错了,请纠正我。Meanings of f,C,T,# are understandable (function, class etc) but there are many others which I dont know. I assume these letters are standard across all IDEs like Visual Studio, Netbeans etc. Correct me if I am wrong.请建议。推荐答案在Xcode中,这称为代码感知。这些图标也存在于Xcode 3中。这些图标也用于符号导航。In Xcode this is called "Code Sense". And these icons also exist in Xcode 3. These icons are also used in symbol navigation. 红色:宏 = macro(想想 #define ) = macro (think #define) 布朗:核心数据/命名空间Brown: Core Data / namespace =建模 c lass =建模 m ethod =建模 p roperty = modeled class = modeled method = modeled property = C ++ n amespace = C++ namespace 橙色 :别名类型 = Objective-C c ategory = e num = t ypedef / t ypealias = Swift 前紧张 = Objective-C category = enum = typedef / typealias = Swift extension 绿色:变量 = b inding = f unction = f ield = c onstant = l ocal variable = IB O utlet = v ariable(可以是ivar,global var,local var等) =参数(想想 f(x)) = binding = function = field = constant = local variable = IBOutlet = variable (can be ivar, global var, local var, etc.) = parameter (think f(x)) 蓝色:方法 = IB A ction = m ethod = p roperty = IBAction = method = property 紫色:聚合类型 = c lass(Objective-C,Swift或C ++) = c lass e xtension = Objective-C / Swift pr 协议 = s truct = u nion = class (Objective-C, Swift or C++) = class extension = Objective-C/Swift protocol = struct = union 灰色:片段 = snippets 图标: #pragma mark 或评论 = !!!:... = FIXME:... = ???。 .. = TODO:... = MARK:... = !!!: ... = FIXME: ... = ???: ... = TODO: ... = MARK: ...你应该能够从 /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Resources/Xcode.SourceCodeSymbolKind。* .Icon.tiff *中查找文件名的含义。You should be able to look up the meanings from the filenames from /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Resources/Xcode.SourceCodeSymbolKind.*.Icon.tiff*.在Xcode的更高版本中,路径被移动到 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Resources/Assets .car ,请参阅分析IOS中的Assets.car文件关于如何从* .carIn later versions of Xcode, the path is moved to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Resources/Assets.car, see Analysing Assets.car file in IOS on how to extract the images from the *.car 这篇关于Xcode智能感知彩色框中字母的含义,如f,T,C,M,P,C,K,#等的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-05 03:52