本文介绍了IIS 6.0与IIS 7.0之间的区别的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正在使用带有IIS 6.0的Windows 2003服务器,并考虑迁移到带有IIS 7.0的Window Server 2008来托管我们的.Net应用程序

We are using Windows 2003 server with IIS 6.0 and thinking of migrating to Window Server 2008 with IIS 7.0 to host our .Net applications


Is anyone aware what are the benefits or drawbacks of it?


一个明确的好处是应用程序池上的新集成模式。这允许asp.net比iis6更早地挂钩到管道。我们的一些应用程序使用它来对文件进行URL重写,以前不可能通过向asp.net dll添加通配符扩展名映射。

One definite benefit is the new "Integrated Mode" on application pools. This allows asp.net to hook into the pipeline earlier than was possible in iis6. Some of our applications use this to do url rewriting for files which was previous impossible with out adding a wildcard extension mapping to the asp.net dll.

我的另一个特性我发现有用的是远程管理。我相信iis 6中可能已经提供了远程管理功能,但是如果是这样的话,它已经被iis 7清理和改进了。基本的想法是你可以允许授权的远程用户连接到iis并管理iis的几乎所有功能。

Another feature that I've found useful is remote management. I believe remote management may have been available in iis 6, but if so it has been cleaned up and improved for iis 7. The basic idea is that you can allow an authorized remote user to connect to iis and manage almost every feature of iis.

在iis 7中也清理了Ssl主机头。您现在可以将ssl证书添加到服务器而不是站点。 Certs通过绑定对话框绑定到站点和https主机头,就像http绑定一样。这样做的另一个好处是可以非常简单地为多个站点快速部署一个证书。

Ssl host headers were also cleaned up in iis 7. You can now add ssl certs to the server rather than to a site. Certs are bound to sites and https host headers through the bindings dialog just like http bindings. This has the added advantage of making it very simple to quickly deploy one cert for multiple sites.



Microsoft has released a tool for web deployment which offers migration tools for iis6 to iis7. If you decide to move ahead with it I strongly recommend downloading it (here) and reading the migration instructions here.


We went through the same process about a year ago and I have been very happy with the results.

这篇关于IIS 6.0与IIS 7.0之间的区别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 03:47