本文介绍了decodeURIComponent vs unescape,unescape有什么问题?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在回答另一个问题时,我发现我的Javascript / DOM知识已经变得有点过时了,因为我仍在使用 escape / unescape 对URL组件的内容进行编码,而我现在应该使用 encodeURIComponent / decodeURIComponent 而不是

In answering another question I became aware that my Javascript/DOM knowledge had become a bit out of date in that I am still using escape/unescape to encode the contents of URL components whereas it appears I should now be using encodeURIComponent/decodeURIComponent instead.

我想知道的是什么是 escape / unescape ?有一些模糊的建议,关于Unicode字符有一些问题,但我找不到任何明确的解释。

What I want to know is what is wrong with escape/unescape ? There are some vague suggestions that there is some sort of problem around Unicode characters, but I can't find any definite explanation.

我的网络体验相当偏见,几乎所有它已经写了大型Intranet应用程序绑定到Internet Explorer。这涉及到许多使用 escape / unescape ,并且涉及的应用程序已经完全支持Unicode多年。

My web experience is fairly biased, almost all of it has been writing big Intranet apps tied to Internet Explorer. That has involved a lot of use of escape/unescape and the apps involved have fully supported Unicode for many years now.

那么什么是Unicode $问题, escape / unescape

So what are the Unicode problems that escape/unescape are supposed to have ? Does anyone have any test cases to demonstrate the problems ?



They're not "wrong" as such, they're just their own special string format which looks a bit like URI-parameter-encoding but actually isn't. In particular:

  • '+'表示加号,而不是空格

  • 有一个特殊的% uNNNN格式用于编码Unicode UTF-16代码点,而不是编码UTF-8字节


So if you use escape() to create URI parameter values you will get the wrong results for strings containing a plus, or any non-ASCII characters.


escape() could be used as an internal JavaScript-only encoding scheme, for example to escape cookie values. However now that all browsers support encodeURIComponent (which wasn't originally the case), there's no reason to use escape in preference to that.


There is only one modern use for escape/unescape that I know of, and that's as a quick way to implement a UTF-8 encoder/decoder, by leveraging the UTF-8 processing in URIComponent handling:

utf8bytes= unescape(encodeURIComponent(unicodecharacters));
unicodecharacters= decodeURIComponent(escape(utf8bytes));

这篇关于decodeURIComponent vs unescape,unescape有什么问题?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-22 17:58