





您可以将Gradle看作Ant的善良, Maven放在一起减去了XML的噪音。使用groovy进行脚本编程是非常重要的。

  • Gradle给你提供了一些约定,但仍然可以让你轻松地覆盖它们。

  • Gradle构建文件不像Groovy中写的那么冗长。

  • 它为编写构建任务提供了非常好的DSL。

  • 有很多优秀的插件和充满活力的生态系统

创建java / groovy项目几乎无处不在。构建文件非常简洁。

Google选择Gradle作为Android SDK的新构建系统,以及像Spring,Hibernate,Grails,Groovy等成熟库已经在使用它为他们的构建提供动力,毫无疑问,Gradle正在成为事实上为Java生态系统构建系统。

What is the difference between Gradle and Maven?

I am new to Gradle but I used to work with maven.

When to use Gradle and When to use Maven ?


You can think of Gradle as goodness of Ant and Maven put together minus the noise of XML. And scriptability with groovy is very big plus.

  • Gradle gives you conventions but still gives you power to override them easily.
  • Gradle build files are less verbose as they are written in groovy.
  • It provides very nice DSL for writing build tasks.
  • Has lot of good plugins and vibrant ecosystem

Almost everywhere for creating java/groovy project. The build files are much terse.

With Google choosing Gradle as the new build system for Android SDK and mature libraries like Spring, Hibernate, Grails, Groovy etc. already using it to power their builds, there is no doubt that Gradle is becoming de-facto build system for the Java ecosystem.


08-05 03:06