



我已经声明了对 org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.1.d91bf785-groovy-2.4 的依赖,但是在运行时范围中它被覆盖为 1.0-groovy-2.4

I have declared a dependency for org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.1.d91bf785-groovy-2.4, but in runtime scope it is overridden to 1.0-groovy-2.4. Is there a way to figure out which dependency is overriding it?

1.0-groovy-2.4 不存在,该如何解决?本地的任何gradle文件,当我在 shared-config 项目中运行 gradle依赖项时,该文件不可见。

1.0-groovy-2.4 is not present in any gradle file locally, and it is not visible when I run gradle dependencies in the shared-config project.

这里是 main-web 项目中的 gradle依赖项

+--- project :shared-config
|    [...]
|    +--- org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.1.d91bf785-groovy-2.4
+--- project :shared-config
|    [...]
|    +--- org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.1.d91bf785-groovy-2.4 -> 1.0-groovy-2.4
|    |    +--- org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4 -> 1.1.d91bf785-groovy-2.4
|    |    \--- org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.1 -> 2.4.12

dependencyInsight 提供了一些见解:

$ gradle dependencyInsight --dependency org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.0-groovy-2.4 --configuration runtime
> Task :main-web:dependencyInsight
org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.0-groovy-2.4 (selected by rule)

org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.1.d91bf785-groovy-2.4 -> 1.0-groovy-2.4
\--- project :shared-config
     \--- runtime

但是 shared-config 项目中的相同命令不会产生任何结果:

But the same command in the shared-config project doesn't yield any results:

No dependencies matching given input were found in configuration ':shared-config:runtime'

$ b $中未找到与给定输入匹配的依赖项b


I have tried overriding the version without success:

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy {
        force "org.spockframework:spock-spring:1.1.d91bf785-groovy-2.4"


似乎您将spring boot用作父项,或者将spring boot依赖项用作bom(依赖管理器)

Seems like you are using spring boot as a parent or spring boot dependencies as a bom (dependency manager)

默认在最新的春季引导版本1.5 + spock.version 中设置为 1.0-groovy-2.4 这就是为什么 spock-core 仍然具有旧版本的原因。

by default in latest spring boot versions 1.5 + spock.version is set to 1.0-groovy-2.4 that's why spock-core still have old version.

为了解决此问题,您需要需要覆盖gradle应用中的属性 spock.version 。通过将 spock.version = 1.1-groovy-2.4 添加到 gradle.properties 文件中。

In order to fix this in gradle you need to override property spock.version in your gradle app. By adding spock.version = 1.1-groovy-2.4 to gradle.properties file.


Visit Spring doc for overriding dep properties to find more.


08-05 03:05